But I didn't. Go me right?
Anyway for all the above mentioned reasons and about a thousand more, I also haven't really read many blog posts this week. Granted I pumped out a heap on Tuesday for #IBOT but right now that all seems like a blur. I already knew I had this week's blog loving covered so I wasn't reading with that at the forefront of my mind.
You see the super organised and on top of it all Rhianna was supposed to have this post already done and dusted well before now. Instead the slightly delusional and not at all in touch with reality Rhianna is trying to squeeze it in with a million other things that have patiently waited to be done this week.
While I was at DPCON13 I had the great fortune of meeting two more than incredible women. Actually I met more than just two but these two are the ones that touched my heart and soul in the most deepest of ways. They left me with words that changed the way I saw certain aspects of life. Actually certain aspects of my life.
The first of these was Lisa from
OMG! This woman is all kinds of totally amazing. Her words of wisdom spoke straight to my heart. She may also very well have helped me overcome the issues I was having at rewriting my lost manuscript.
One of the things that I love most about Lisa is the way that she speaks of her children. Particularly how much she loves them. I know that all mothers love the children endless but the sparkle in Lisa's eyes when she talks of her offspring is infectious.
If you are heading over to read some of Lisa's beautiful words I strongly suggest you start here with the post that she read out on the first night of the conference. Totally amazing woman I tell you.
As is Shari from
The first of these was Lisa from
OMG! This woman is all kinds of totally amazing. Her words of wisdom spoke straight to my heart. She may also very well have helped me overcome the issues I was having at rewriting my lost manuscript.
One of the things that I love most about Lisa is the way that she speaks of her children. Particularly how much she loves them. I know that all mothers love the children endless but the sparkle in Lisa's eyes when she talks of her offspring is infectious.
If you are heading over to read some of Lisa's beautiful words I strongly suggest you start here with the post that she read out on the first night of the conference. Totally amazing woman I tell you.
As is Shari from
Had it not been for Mum Talks Autism's dodgey show Shari and I would never have had the chance to sit and talk. Not chat, but talk and really communicate and connect. Within moments of meeting I knew I was in the presence on of awesome and as the night wore on I realised just how right I was.
Shari got me in a way that I haven't been got since I don't know when. Her warmth, love and understanding was amazing and I truly thankful that I ended up going to the dinner just because it meant our paths crossed. The universe sure has a funny way of panning things out sometimes.
So there is my blog loving for this week. What about yours? Read any great posts? Meet any awesome people? Head on over to MTA and join in the blog love sharing fun.