The road that leads to Tunnel Creek has been reopened after the tanker accident so we are able to head out that way today.
There are no words to adequately describe just how cool Tunnel Creek is.
Mr Awesome had read that we needed to take torches and water friendly shoes which made it all the more exciting. Especially since our feet got wet the moment we entered the cave.
Tunnel creek is Western Australia’s oldest cave system. Like Geikie Gorge it is part of an ancient Devonian reef system. The tunnel goes for some seven hundred and fifty meters. At some points the water is said to be waist deep though the only ones who got water near their waists were the little two. Mind you we were there at the end of the dry season so I am sure that a good wet would change things.
As we walked through the darkness, guided by Mr Awesome and his rather awesome torch we saw quite a few stalactites stalagmite formations. Mr Awesome taught the girls a little rhyme to remember which was which. Something about one goes up and the other goes down. Just quietly though rocks and such have never been overly interesting to me so I paid little attention and can’t remember which is which.
The fact that I find it difficult to pronounce stalactite and stalagmite might also have something to do with it. Regardless of my disinterest though it was a bit lovely to listen to Mr A share something from his childhood with the girls. Especially since they were hanging on his every word and quickly able to point out which was which.
When we got to the end of the tunnel we were greeted with a rather quaint and picturesque river image. We walked down a little further and sat on the edge of the creek to have a bit of a snack and a drink.
There was a monitor on the other side of the bank that the girls delighted in watching sun bake for a while. I delighted in listening to the overseas tourists discuss whether it was a crocodile or not.
As with Echidna Chasm and Cathederal Gorge I was astounded how many people no sooner got to the end and then turned around and headed out. There was next to no one who sat and enjoyed the serenity of the bush before them. It once again made me so thankful to have the time to sit and make the most of where we were.
There are no words to adequately describe just how cool Tunnel Creek is.
As we walked through the darkness, guided by Mr Awesome and his rather awesome torch we saw quite a few stalactites stalagmite formations. Mr Awesome taught the girls a little rhyme to remember which was which. Something about one goes up and the other goes down. Just quietly though rocks and such have never been overly interesting to me so I paid little attention and can’t remember which is which.