Ride along and share in my life as a parent who dreams of being a famous writer. Taking each day as it comes and hoping for the best
Tuesday, March 29
Will I or won't I?
Increase Traffic
Monday, March 28
Meatless Monday
Sunday, March 27
Things I would change - School
Saturday, March 26
The sooner you do it the sooner it's done
Makes sense really doesn't it?
Friday, March 25
Come on Baby Just Ride With Me
Thursday, March 24
Not in an ad break
Tuesday, March 22
Happy Birthday
In around two minutes time my baby sister will turn 26. I am waiting for the precise moment so that I can tag her in a fb update to wish her well for our special day. Only mine will start 90 minutes after hers due to time differences.
Saturday, March 19
To Pierce or Not ?
Thursday, March 17
Blame it on the moon
Wednesday, March 16
My Place and Yours
Today I am going to play along in a little game hosted over at hello owl (one of the wonderful blogs I have stumbled on lately and just fallen in love with).
Cheer up Charlie
That is what I tell the girls when they are sad and that is what I need someone to say to me today. For the second day in the row I have driven the girls to school on the verge of tears and I have no idea why. Well actually maybe I have a little inkling but still no reason for me to be a tear drop.
Monday, March 14
Knowing how often to nurse
One fear that is commonly held by new parents is how often to nurse their new baby. I would like to take this opportunity to assure all parents that they need not worry. Help is at hand.
I believe that the answer to this, and many other parental concerns is simple, trust your instincts. Parents of today need to develop their confidence and listen to not only their baby but also themselves.
While to some, on the surface, parenting may not seem very natural, the bulk of it actually is. New parents need learn to trust in their own judgment. By all means research and learn about different current thoughts and practices, but then parents need to make their own decision based on the circumstances relevant to their family's situation. Knowing when to nurse is no exception. Listen to your baby and your body, and you will always know what is right. This is particularly true for breastfeeding mothers. On many occasions the mothers body will tell her that feeding time is coming near as the breasts fill with milk. Read more
Sunday, March 13
Just like Mum
Saturday, March 12
Live and learn
An Irish Wish
Tuesday, March 8
First Steps
As you know this little beauty of a blog is still in the early developmental stage. I am like a pre walker who is ready for take off. My balance is nearly there, I am just teetering on the edge waiting for the first step, only not sure which foot to put forward first.
Monday, March 7
About Me
- I am a SAHM mum to three beautiful girls, 10, 5 and 1, well that will be how old they turn this year, two of which happen next month. I love being a mother more than anything. Never in my wildest dreams did I actually think that my calling in life was to mother but now that I know it is I feel like a certain peace surrounds me.
- There has been times in my life when I have actually been involved in formal paid employment, though I hope to never have to return to those days again. Aside from being the best mother I possibly can I also hope to one day be an acclaimed author. I am not really sure on the book's details yet but I know some where deep inside of me there is a best seller of some description inside of me it is just a matter of uncovering it.
- I am also an Infant Massage Instructor. Though to tell you the truth I have never really instructed very many people. The hermit in me has made it difficult to put myself out there. I am rather passionate about the power of love and touch though.
- I have at times been called a hippy and I have one friend that refers to me as an Earth Mother. I believe in angels, fairies, and all things magical. I will let the powers that be take over at times and trust the universe to take care of certain things at various times. I am not a huge fan of mainstream and like to take the alternative (what ever that may be).
- I love the idea of homeschooling but lack the self discipline to actually carry it out. Plus teachers are a qualified trade as such and who am I to take that job away from the employment lines. I think that the education is flawed but show me something that is not. I am fairly involved in my children's school and find it hard to understand how other parents appear to not value education.
- When I form an opinion it is held pretty fast and you can be hard pressed to get me to change it. I will always listen to another's opinion but often adopted an each to their own type of attitude. I worry a lot about offending people. I know that there are few who think the same as me and past experience has shown me that not everyone has the same each to their own approach. I tend to steer away from the it's my way or the highway kind of people.
- I have a tendency at times to go on and on and on, both in person and when writing. I have at times been talking, thinking I was telling the best story in the world only to suddenly realise the person I am telling has tuned out. At least when being read it is easier for people to pick and choose what they want to be a part of without it being so obvious to me.
- I just love love love Kenny Rogers and Johnny Cash. And Meatloaf. I wish that my taste in music was hereditary so we could all enjoy the same stuff. My children are much more in tune with my husband's song choice than mine.
Saturday, March 5
Tidying Up
Something I constantly need to do much more than I actually do. Though I am fairly certain that I am not the only person to suffer from such a problem.
Golly, golly, golly
Silly me was temporarily been under the misguided impression that I was slowly getting on top of things. I mean the housework had been kept to a semi well maintained status for a few days in a row, my writing had seen a slight incline in quantity and just general harmony seemed to reign. I have had a significant slap in the face in recent days and the reality of just how much work I have before me has become apparent.
Rather than tackle these difficulties face on I took the run and hide approach. It is my preferred option at all times, despite it's repercussions. See when you choose to deal with something later it is always worse. Time is not always the healing friend it is made out to be. Sometimes with time comes more. More mess, more troubles, more to do. Just more. Take the dishes for example. The longer you leave the washing up the more there is to do. So when you finally get round to doing the breakfast dishes form three days ago they now include plates from an extra five meals. A once three minute task is now an epic job... speaking of which...I still need to do.