In a bid to be super organised for this week's Thankful Thursday post I actually sat down on Wednesday morning to try and get something out. Given that I actually missed last week one would have thought that having two weeks worth of thanks would have made for good fodder.
Apparently not.
Instead I was left with
this. Which I was rather pleased to get out because I figured once that was out the way I would have been able to go on to bigger and better things.
I was wrong.
Though in all fairness to myself it wasn't entirely my fault for not getting more out. On account of it being school holidays (and my mum is visiting) it was declared screen free time and we went out and explored.
So here I am Thursday morning, not bright and early mind you because it is too darn cold bright and early to do anything except snuggle down further under the blankets.
After failing to find thanks yesterday morning, and then again last night I decided that my thankful post could wait.
I mean I did manage this list
* School holidays
* My mum coming to visit
*My health.
but it some how didn't seem worthy so I went back to thinking my post could wait.
Of course there is nothing wrong with being thankful for those three things, it was just that for well over a week now, possibly nearly two I have been thinking of sharing just how thankful I am to be healthy. Just tacking it on the bottom of a list didn't feel like it was doing it justice.
Recently I have come across two people who longed to have an adventure like
#ouradventureofalifetime only various health issues meant they were unable to do so. Even while we were on our trip we came across a few families who had to alter their own adventures due to poor health. I am so thankful we had the opportunity to get out there and do what we did.
I am so thankful that I am healthy enough to be able to get out and do whatever I want. If I feel like going for a run, I can, I don't need to stop and wonder whether my body is up for it, I can just do it.
There are so many people that are held back in various ways from doing a whole range of things because of their health. There are also many that find a way to push past the boundaries of the body and health and for that I am thankful because it gives me the reminder that I need some days to get out there and just give things a go and make the most of the many blessings that I have.
Thursday happens to be my working day which means the last thing I should be doing come Thursday morning is sitting around trying to blog. Thankfully though thanks to school holidays I have a bit of extra time and could do so today.
Thanks also need to be sent to the lovely
Lydia who possibly without even realising it, has an uncanny knack for encouraging me when I need it most. If you need help in facing a fear and challenging yourself then this is a
must read
What about you? What are you thankful for today?