Tuesday, June 4

Becoming A Runner

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Running has always been something I liked the idea of but never thought it was something I could really do. Which is a bit crazy really because all you do is get out there and, well, run. Which really is just an extension of walking just a bit faster.

Turns out though, I wasn't alone in my doubting my ability to run.

Some eighteen months or so ago now, a few of my most favourite bloggers at the time began to learn how to run if you will. They uploaded some fang dangled app onto their iPhones and away they went. 

Before long my Twitter feed seemed filled with excited newbie runners sharing how far they had run and at what pace. They went on about endorphins and feeling fabulous and all kinds of wonderful things. The buzz they created was electrifying and inspiring.

I would read each tweet with envy, wishing that I too could find it in me to become a runner. I wanted to feel the awesome these ladies were speaking (tweeting) of.

Then it dawned on me the only thing stopping me from being a runner, or anything else my heart desired for that matter, was me. Without a second more I downloaded an app called Ease into 5km, and before I knew it I was out the door huffing and puffing my way to become a runner.

The app was an interval training program. One that I could not recommend highly enough. Over the course of six short weeks I went from barely being able to keep going for more than a minute to lasting thirty whole minutes and travelling nearly 5kms. 

I felt beyond awesome. The tweets had did not even begin to explain just how amazing getting out there and being active could make you feel.

From there I got the next app, Bridge to 10km. I wasn't satisfied at stopping at 5km, I wanted to see just how far I could push my body. The running bug had bitten me and I didn't want to let it go. 

Sadly though life got in the way and I never quite got around to completing the 10km program. All was not lost though. Running had changed my life in ways that I could not even imagine and I didn't ever want to go back to my pre running self.

While I may not have been running every other day, like I was when I first started I still made an effort to get out at least once a week as much as possible. Running regularly had somehow made me feel like a better person. Somehow when I would regularly run I noticed that life would feel better, problems smaller and patience much greater. 

I also felt a surge in my confidence. 

It began to feel like there wasn't anything I couldn't do. If I could get out there and run for longer than I ever expected possible, then perhaps there was a whole new world of possibilities opening up for me?

On Sunday our local City to Surf Fun Run was held. 

It is with more than great pride I share with you this photo

Yep, that is me crossing the finish line after running some 12.2km

Given that it was only a little over two short weeks since I decided to enter I am absolutely over the moon with the fact that I did this. Only not only did I do this, but it turns out I ran a lot faster than I have ever run before.

I am still waiting to see my official race time but according to my app I didn't do too badly. In fact apparently my first three kilometres were all well under 6 min/km. One was even closer to 5 min/km than what it was 6 minutes. 

To give you some perspective I generally average at least 7 min/km. A pace I didn't reach on Sunday till about the 8km mark. Have I mentioned how pleased with myself I am?

Mind you my app also tells me that I ran slightly longer than what the course stated it was. And when I say slightly longer I mean about 2km so I am taking it all with a grain of salt. Kinda. 
I still think I am pretty darn awesome.

A medal, hat and bib to prove just how awesome I am

Speaking of awesome, it is Tuesday and I have blogged and joined in all the fun that is IBOT

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  1. Good for you! I did the Color Run, but running without someone chasing me with paint is not my thing...looking at mud run next (I need a fun pay off - fitness isn't tempting enough for me!)

    1. I would love to do one of those Color Runs, they don't seem to have them here, sounds like so much fun though

  2. A big congrats to you!! Well done. I think you are officially a runner now!!

    1. Thanks Ann! I think you might be right!

  3. WELL DONE !!!!! I know exactly what you mean about the running bug - once it bites - it's hard to get rid of !!!
    I am so proud of you - I think I may load that Ease into 5km to get me started again - health issues suck big time !!!!
    Have the best week and savour your achievement.

    1. Oh do it Linda, even if you just go slow, just moving and getting the blood flowing is such a great feeling

  4. Well done , I don't love running but I want to do it.
    I've been sick for a week so I took a break , I can now run 6-7 Kms in Bridge to 10km -still puffed but its exhilarating . You can always pick up anytime .
    I did Mother's Day classic in my fastest time ever for 4km , can't do it at home though on my treadmill. I think it is adrenalin and other runners you keep pace with.

    1. Yes I think you are right that you just see were everyone else is and you just want to stay with as many of them as possible. Sorry to hear you have been sick for a week, hope you are feeling a bit better now. You know that you were one of the bloggers that inspired me don't you?

  5. Well done!! How awesome!! The crowd really gets you going and I smashed my PB at City 2 Surf last year! Love this post!

    1. Thanks Eleise, I was so surprised at how much faster I could go surrounded by others. Go you for smashing your PB

  6. Wow Rhianna, that really is awesome! Well done to you! You've inspired me justa it with this.. its so true, the only thing holding us back is ourselves, runnign doesnt cost a thing, except maybe some rpetty runners, but nothing else, and we dont have to have a scheduel.. jsut go when we want.... I think I ahve to get over my winter blues and fear of freezing and just get out there! Thanks for this shot of inspiration! x

    1. Yes do it! Get out there and move and you won't feel the cold. I can't recommend it enough, you do really feel better for having tried. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses lovely

  7. wow, spell check would be handy these days.. hahaha i wrote so quickly and never re read, appologies :) x

    1. lol all good lovely, I didn't actually notice till you pointed it out. Thanks so much for stopping by

  8. Fantastic Rhianna, I am yet to get the runner's bug but would love to. Great inspiration.

    1. It really is a wonderful feeling, though it did take a while of regularly getting out there. I really felt it bite when I realised just how grumpy and awful I felt when I wasn't getting out there. I can still remember this one day where as I started jogging off I could literally feel all my troubles fly off behind me for a while. Get out there, give it a go, it is not about how fast or far you go just as long as you go.

  9. Wow Rhianna, you should be so proud of yourself!!!! I've never been a runner, but am seriously thinking I should move it up from walking. Great work hun xx

    1. Thanks Lisa, honestly I was never a runner till the start of last year either. No I find it hard to just walk because the running feels so so so good

  10. That was a great story, especially this part: "Then it dawned on me the only thing stopping me from being a runner, or anything else my heart desired for that matter, was me." It's so true.

    I have entered in a Colour Run for the end of next month.

    1. Go you with the colour run Angela, they look like so much fun

  11. Well done! You should be proud. i've only just got back into running. i blogged about it last week funnily enough. Although i'm the type of person that just has to get out and go, i can't do the interval thing because if i stop... i stop! Today i ran almost 4km which i was pleased with!

    1. Good on you for getting out there, I am now the same as you, there are no more intervals it is just run run run. Yay for 4km as well.

  12. So excited for you! You make me want to get back right into it and see if I can do it. Sorely tempted to give this 10k one you have in a few weeks a go

  13. I am SOOOOOO proud of you Rhi!!!! WELL DONE!!! And here you were having a little bit of a freak out about it all. I knew you'd ace it!!

    Something I'd love to know though - because I follow the running bloggers too - is how you fit it in with kids? I seem to have to get out and about when mine are at school, and when it comes to summer, I don't think I could go in the middle of the day!

    BUT! I've joined Kate's Operation Move and have started making an effort to walk. I know I can't run because of my ligament, but I'm hoping in about 12 months the strength in my foot and ankle will allow me to.

    I've got a big grin going on girl. Well done!

    MC x

    1. Well to start with I was going as soon as I would drop the big ones at school, which meant I had to push the littlest in the pram, which was ok until I discovered how great it was to run without a pram! So now I wait till Mr A gets home and head out the door as everyone sits down to dinner, which of course means I have to be super organised!

  14. I am not a runner, but I am a walker. I entered the Perth Mothers Day Cancer walk. Loved it and am now looking for walking groups. Well done on your run. Apple have a new wrist band called jaws, it reads your steps, your sleeping pattern, your calories, you can use it as an alarm, it gently vibrates within the half hour of you setting it so that you wake at your peak. You can share with others as well. Looking to get one as I wanted to reach 10 thousand steps a day which isn't a big ask. xxx Rae

    1. I love the sound of that wrist band. Off to investigate it further. Thanks for dropping by

  15. That's so great! I love running - always have. But I have been a bit lazy the last couple of months and haven't done much. Sounds like a great app...I should check it out :) Well done on finishing city to surf. xx

    1. Thanks lovely. And are you lazy so much as busy? It is hard to fit it in with children

  16. You are awesome! Well done so proud of you for getting out there!! Sorry I missed you on Sun, great photo, what an achievement.
    x Jo

    1. Ah thanks Jo, you too are equally awesome, and fast! Sorry I missed you as well

  17. Wow you are amazing! I'm pretty sure I would need knee and hip replacements if I took up running. You have inspired me to at least go for a walk.

    Looking forward to 'casing' your blog!

    1. Yes no need to run, just getting out there is half the fun. Hope you enjoyed the casing and thanks for dropping by

  18. Well done that is totally awesome!! I've got as far as downloading the App but havent actually got out the front door yet. I think this post just might be the kick up the backside that I need!! X #IBOT

    1. Thanks Robyn! I hope the post does inspire you to get out there, I just know you will feel better for it

  19. You are awesome! that is fantastic! congratulations xx

  20. Wow, that's excellent. You should be so proud of yourself. You've inspired me to check out the app too.

    1. I am super proud of myself, it has given me so much confidence, it feels like there is nothing I can't do now. I hope you give the app a go, it is so worth it.

  21. I used to run a lot before kids - the best way to lose weight, but have a few issues now and so I can't - but I know the feelings you speak about, and I miss them - ENJOY :)

    1. What a shame you can't run now Em, I hope that changes for you soon and you can get back out there. Best feelings in the world aren't they?


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.