Tuesday, July 30

Totally pinworthy decorated fish biscuits. Easy. Yum. Fun.

For some reason there is the general expectation that Bloggers are all over Pinterest. Not just in the way they spend hours pouring over pins but also in their ability to create pinnable things. 

Personally I have tried to stay away from the dangers of Pinterest (though I naturally have an account there if you are interested). I am easily distracted and my box of distractions is always overflowing. I most certainly do not need a Pinterest addiction to deal with. 

Of course my ability (or perhaps lack there of) to recreate the images generally found on the likes of Pinterest may also have something to do with my aversion to spending too much time there.

There have of course been a few exceptions. Well one really, my infamous Pigs in Mud Cake. I still get all tingly when I think about how awesome that little beauty turned out. Well worth the effort I must say, though I am not sure I am in a rush to go to that much effort again. 

Thankfully though I recently discovered a new little party winner that, is dead easy and will leave you with a totally pinworthy creation all of your own.

Drum roll please as I proudly present my 

Totally Pinworthy Decorated Fish Biscuits

The most enjoyable and easy to make biscuits delights I have ever come across. These little fish were not only fun to make but pretty tasty too boot!

So where did I come across this brilliant party idea?

While Essentially Jess and I were checking out the super cool entries in this year's Royal Darwin Show. We went along early on the opening day so as to avoid crowds and take advantage of reduced gate entry. Since we were only taking the littlest children so they could see the animals (read so that Jess and I could get our yearly show fix) it all worked quite well.
These ones were not created by me,
I did however take the photo
It was taken at the Royal Darwin Show.
If by chance you made these
(and hey stranger things have happened)
Please get in touch.
 Sadly though the downside to the opening day early entry prices is that not all of the judging is completed and some displays don't have up all their information. Hence why crediting the creator of the inspirational fish is easier said than done. Massive kudos to whoever you are though.

So as I stood there taking my very dodgy photo with my once lovely camera that now only seems to take a decent shot in broad daylight, I mumbled to Jess something about hoping to remember these next time I needed to make cupcakes. Since my kids have all had their birthday this year I could imagine when I would get the chance to try my hand at these.

"Bring on Monday for Ava's birthday, she says with a smile, "then you can blog about it for IBOT and get lots of pins"

Brilliance if ever I saw it!

Little did Jess know, was that even if she hadn't have given me this totally viable excuse, I probably would have made them any way I was so crazily keen.

Now I know I haven't made exactly the same as the photo and that is purely because despite having the joys of modern technology I don't always have the sense to use them. Even though I took the photo I didn't think to look at it until after I had been shopping for supplies.

At which point I of course realised I didn't have any jelly beans or black things (which I suspect might be licorice) for eyes. I temporarily fleeted with the notion of running back to the shops. They are after all literally only five hundred meters down the road. But then I decided I would somehow make do amongst the five packets of lollies I came home with. Not to mention what I may already have had at home.

Anyways as simple as these decorated fish biscuits may be I still have a few tips to share for when you create your own.

Tips for making your own totally pinworthy decorated fish biscuits

Sorting the sweets into colours is not mandatory.
On a side not I would be totally excited to have bowls
to match for all the colours
* Set yourself up before you start. I found having the smarties and sweets sorted into colours made creating the fish much easier.

*Make up one big batch of white icing. Add the various colours as you need them.

*To make the icing mix 2 cups of icing mixture with 2 tablespoons of milk. The easiest way to get rid of lumps is use an electric mixer.

*To make super yummy tasting icing add a splash of vanilla essence

*Make the lightest colours first. In our case we started with yellow icing, which we then turned to orange by adding a drop of red. After orange we added more red to get a pinkish of sorts kinda colour. After this we were out of icing and started again with blue, then green and finally purple.

*I found it best to do the eye and mouth, then the tail and fill the gap up with smarties. It could be just me but I never seemed to leave enough room if I left the mouth or tail till last.

*In case you want to use the same as me I had milk arrowroot biscuits, smarties, fruit flavoured soft jubes (tails) and starburst fruit jellies (mouth). Mind you I think the jelly beans in the orginal may actually be the way to go.

*You don't have to keep the colours all matchy matchy if you don't want to. Though just between you and me if you are going for the whole pinworthy thing then colour matching is a must, as demonstrated below.

While these fish are certainly still very cool looking I am just not sure if it is
quite worthy of a Pinterest board, of course feel free to prove me wrong
These ones however...well I am sure it would be crime not to pin them
So what about it, are you a pinner? Did you pin me?
Can you recreate pins with the simplest of ease?
Do you like fish biscuits?
Have you joined in the fun of IBOT like I did?

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Monday, July 29

#TheBlogfastClub - Morning

After a long yet not exactly restful sleep Teapot pleaded with me to rise with her at first light. Given I had convinced her to go to sleep not long after the sun had gone to bed the night before, I could not really object. However much I may have wished to.

Surrounded in all the beauty that the Australian bush has to offer I tried not to grumble about the fact my day had gotten off to such an early start. The little miss positive in me keeps trying to point out that it just means there is so much more of the day for me to enjoy.

The only sounds are that of the fire crackling underneath the billy that just boiled and the birds singing in the trees. Zany stirred as Teapot and I tried to clamber out of sleeping bags and then the tent. The two play together on a mat by the fire. The novelty of seeking warmth enjoyed by all.

Right now possibilities seem endless. One of the true joys of a new day dawning. All the hope and possibility with which it can bring.

With a pen in my hand, coffee by my side and blank paper patiently waiting to be filled. One would could be mistaken for thinking all is well in my neck of the woods. I am afterall basking in the glorious rays of the early morning sun as she gently rises ready to face the day.

Only my heart is filled with sadness as my eyes begin to well with tears.

As so often is the case when camping in shared grounds, Mr A began chatting with a fellow camper. Within seconds she has mentioned her husband passing, the trip of a life time that took a life time to plan and now doing it alone...

I had to walk away. Terrible I know, all that she must have been through and I couldn't overcome my sadness at her loss to listen to her tale. I had to walk away the moment I heard her mention the husband. We had seen her the day before, I knew there was no husband to speak of. I could feel the lump forming in my throat as the words left hers. I knew that tears would not be far away, I am sure it was the last thing she need to start her day with.

Letting out a deep sigh I look at the blankness still on the paper before me.

The morning did not go as planned. So rarely it does. Out here though I thought it would be different. With no computer, no internet, no plans, no commitment. No nothing except time, fresh air and freedom. 

Freedom from the restraints of life that I so often feel are holding me back. Till I remember that it onlt myself that is ever holding me back.

The early morning sun has now turned to mid morning. It is hard to believe how long it has taken me to write these few words. Hours I tell you, yet what else I have done there is no knowing.

The mid morning sun is slightly harsher than the one that starts the day. One that requires shade to be sought as a protection.

Thankfully a young wattle is growing nearby. It's branches and leaves providing a tranquil refuge as the sun's rays continue to beat on down throughout the day. Mr A and I muse over the possibility of it being the same seedling we saw on our first visit, years ago now.

We scratch our heads and try to recall exactly which campsite we occupied that time and what other tree it could be. There have been so many trips here since then it is sometimes hard to remember exactly what was when. 

The sun has now reached her peak in the sky. The midday sun shining strongly over all below. Her heat radiating down with all the strength it can muster. The sun may have reached her climax for the day but the heat will keep rising for a few more hours yet. Compared to other times of the year though there isn't exactly a lot of heat so to speak, more of a comforting warmth. Another day is well and truly under way.

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Sunday, July 28

Things I Know and Love About Darwin

Growing up I thought that I lived in one of the worst places ever. Waiting to gain the opportunity to leave felt longer than waiting for eternity. My only shimmering light of hope was to study hard enough to get grades high enough to be accepted at a university interstate. The chances out of town were few and far between, I was certain this was my ticket.

I was wrong. 

Sure I got the grades that saw me receive not one but two offers to study interstate. One of which I accepted. My dreams appeared to be coming true. My ticket to greener pastures where I knew absolutely no one had been granted and soon I would be on my way to the other end of the country. Far from the Hicksville that had been home for the last eighteen years. Finally I was leaving the town that I felt had held me back from experiencing the many joys of big city living. Whatever they may be.

While I may not have known what big city living actually was, I was adamant that my little sleepy pretend city of a home didn't offer it. How could it? When so often I would hear people refer to it as backward, sub standard or some other equally trashy term.

Only when push came to shove I just couldn't quite bring myself to just up and leave.

It turned out that three days before I was due to leave the wilderness I thought I loathed, I had somewhat of an epiphany. Suddenly, leaving my boyfriend, and my family and the sunny shores of the tropical paradise I currently called home, made no sense what so ever.

Thankfully the I had also applied to the local university as a bit of a back up plan. Looking back now, I wonder if I ever really intended on leaving in the first place. After all I really do live in a tropical paradise.

One that has some pretty amazing sunsets.

For all the years that I may have wished my little country town to be more like the big city a capital should be, now I hope Darwin remains as unique as she is. The growth I thought that was so much needed now makes me cringe with every skyscraper that intrudes upon the once empty skyline. But alas that is the joy of progress.

I know that I love the fact the main newspaper has an obsession with all things crocodile
image via NT.News.com.au
And why wouldn't they when this
Crocosaurus Cove
is located in the middle of the city. A place where people, including many a celebrity get to do this
I wrote few posts about Samuel Johnson swimming with the crocs, they can be found here and here
Crocodiles are just part and parcel of the Northern Territory. You can't really blame the local rag for bring the odd croc story to it's readers attention.

Where the jokes about the simplicity of the folk who live here once made my skin crawl, now with age, I know that there actually is an element of truth behind them. The fact that we only have two seasons, The Wet and The Dry, both of which are self explanatory when it comes to describing what the weather will be like, may have something to do with this.

I know that I love the fact the change in weather through out the year is somewhat minimal. While friends in southern states shiver through cold winter months, the kids and I get to finally hit the beaches. For in the Territory the slight drop in temperature means the water is too cold for nasty box jelly fish to swim in and the sea water is safe for swimming.

There is a certain laid back relaxed way of life that I doubt can be found in any other capital city the world over. Darwin is the land of the wait a while where things get done according to NT time. Not Today, Not Tomorrow, Not Tuesday, Not Thursday either, but Next Time, if you're lucky. For a procrastinator such as myself it really the perfect place to be.

I know that this casual, relaxed, tropical retreat from the rat race of life is a place that I am proud to call home. Sure there are no trains or trams or subway express. Nor is there Myers, David Jones, Aldi, Ikea and a whole range of big name sellers not interested in heading out to the sticks. In fact I can still recall the day that Macca's came to town. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Because what there is outweighs any big city lights. Like the fact it is the only capital city in the world that has flat back turtles nesting on it.

Do you love where you live?

Joining in with
Conversations over coffee - always josefaWeekend Rewind

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Wednesday, July 24

Hi, I'm Rhianna

For those that didn't already know, I am Rhianna and this is my blog. 
I guess that is a bit of a strange thing to announce some six hundered and seventy three posts in but there you go. 

The lovely Kate from Kate Says Stuff announced on Monday that she was starting a new linky could the Blogfast Club. A way to encourage and prompt those interested to write a little more. Which if you don't know me, is right up my alley.

The way it works is each week Kate gives a prompt, thouse interested go back and write away and return the following week with an awesome post to share. Win win win. Especially since 

Since this is the first week of it all Kate thought it might be nice for a bit on an intorduction of ourselves. Hence the Hi, I'm Rhianna title.

Sure I could have just linked up my About Me page or the Inside Me tag or even the very riverting post titled 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know and Possibly Didn't Need to Know but where is the fun in that? 

Plus I may or may not have anything else to write about today (ok I actually have plenty of other deep and meaningful things I want to write about, as well of plenty of things I should be doing in the real world but this was a nice easy way to feel like I was being busy without having to think too much)

So in a nutshell I am a mother to three wonderful girls who likes to think that one day she will be come a famous writer. 

There was a time when I described myself as a nonwriting writer. Always having been a bit of an oxymoron fan it really tickled my fancy. And who doesnt like having their fancy tickled? But then I realised I did actually write sometimes so it wasn't really accurate. It also wasn't a particularly very positive light to shine upon myself and I began to worry that perhaps it would hold me back from actually becoming the famous writer I dreamed of being. 

When I am not mothering or writing chances are I am running, crocheting or hanging watching the birds fly by. I am a bit of a bird girl you see. 

Having only ever lived in the same small town (which is actually a capital city just a bit behind the times compared to most other capital cities) my whole life, change is not something I necessarily embrace wholeheartedly. Rather than it to occur instantly I much prefer a slow gradual change with lots of notice. Well at least until my lack of patience kicks and I decided it is needed NOW!

Hmmmmm.... I wonder what else a first timer that doesn't know me would need to know?

I love fairies and have great faith that they keep their eye on me. I also like to send out fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to anyone who may need them. Which is pretty much everyone because who doesn't need fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to be sent to them?

I am late to most things though this is something I am trying to change. 

I hold on to hope and always look to make the best of whatever is before me. 

Oh and I ramble and tend to get easily distracted. Which may possible be happening right this very moment. Since I am typing this from my phone it is hard to actually know how long this post really is. Something is telling me though it is probably more than long enough. So with that in mind if you want to know more about me you are going to have to have a bit sticky beak around and find it out for yourself. Apparently the masses need feeding. 

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Tuesday, July 23

A bit about guns, wants, needs and parenting

Last week while I was running away other bloggers were busy getting down to the nitty gritty and discussing toy guns and whether children should be allowed to play with them.

Danielle over at Keeping Up With The Holsbys raised the topic which prompted 10% Inspired to share her view.

Both left me with plenty of food for thought.

So where do I stand on the toy gun debate?

Well I agree with Mrs Holsby. Guns are not toys. Guns do kill people, but only if there is an idiot controlling the gun. I am so incredibly glad that as the mother of girls I have not had to face the barrage of requests for toy gun paraphernalia. However, I am not adverse to water pistols or even water bombs for that matter. They are just good natured fun and fall into the same catergory as laser tag and paint ball type games which are essentially gun based.

I also agree with CJ, who knew from an early age that guns had a purpose, were dangerous and how to handle them. She grew up in the country and guns were a way of life. I didn't grow up in the country so much as a back water capital city. This means I have clear recollections of my dad taking us out bush for a shot with his rifles. 

While my girls haven't ever held a gun they have seen one being used. We are a bit fond of magpie goose stew. Sadly you can't exactly get a magpie goose at the local Woolies so we go hunting for them. One of my proudest mummy moments was watching them not get squimish or upset as they watched the birds become dinner.

I have never really been a girly girl and I dread the thought of having girls that are. I have always wanted for my girls to grow up strong and independent. While recognising a difference between genders I have never wanted my girls to feel like they are held back based on the bits between their legs.

Which leads me to my next train of thought, prompted by yesterday's post by our IBOT hostess with the mostest. Jess explained how she refuses to give her children the world.

Super, super wise words right there I tell you.

I don't give my children the world either. Partially because I just can't but even if I could I am not sure I would want to give into their each and every demand. Raising demanding and greedy little so and sos is not on my list of things to do. Raising kind, caring, compassionate and thoughtful little beings however is exactly what I hope to achieve.

As a single income family with three children there are lots of things outside our realms of possibilities. Things like overseas holidays, or weekly trips to the movies or a treat every time we go to the shops. However all of those things are wants as opposed to needs. At the end of the day nobody needs all the things they want anyway.

And anyway as long as your basic needs (food, shelter, clothes, love) are met should we really want for anything else when there are so many in the world that don't even have that?

What really got my thoughts a churning when I read the post though was the bit about needing to be the kind of person that you want you children to be. That hit home to me with a resounding thud.

That is kind of person I want to be as well. Someone I want my children to follow proudly behind. The kind of mother that passes a lasting legacy on to her offspring, who in turn pass onto theirs.

Only to be that kind of mother I need so much more than I currently have.

I need commitment, dedication, drive, energy and focus, and that is just to get started. And honestly, just between you and me, some days I struggle to find any and all of those things when I need them most.

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Monday, July 22

The last day of holidays

It doesn't seem four weeks since school broke up for the mid semester break. Apparently it is. Tomorrow the chaos of the school term returns. 

There is no sigh deep enough to help me pass the relcutance with which I face tomorrow. There are no words to descibe the dread with which the dawning of tomorrow brings.

As I mentioned yesterday, I am struggle with the other reality of returning from time away. We may only been gone for a few days but it felt like much longer. Much, much, much longer in fact. The remotness and tranquility of where we were made it easy to forget about the reality of normal life. It felt like we were totally removed from civilasation and all of it's woes. 

Needless to say the return to suburbia has been brutal. Amplified only by the fact that tomorrow school returns.

There is a part of me that is deeply concerned about my desire to be removed from the normal way of life. But then I think who wouldn't want to run away from bills and housework and all the drudgery that fills a lonely housewife day? 

What would you rather, being confined to the monotony of day to day life where Mount Washmore and Mount Foldme compete with the leaning tower of dishes to see who can climb to the highest height or the vastness of the bush where dishes, clothes and commercialisation of life almost cease to exisit?

For me it is easy pickings.

I want to be surrounded by nothingness and empty spaces.
I want to be free from clutter and the unnecessary.
I want to breathe in gum leaves and fresh air.
I want my alarm clock to be choirs of birds greeting the morning sun.
I want to be free from commitments and responsibilities.
I want to blow about in the wind and land where ever that may take me.
I want not to be sad about school holidays ending because life is one big holiday full of life long learning
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Sunday, July 21

The other reality of getting away.

I have spent far too long sitting here at the computer. Not that that is exactly new or breaking news but it is what it is. 

Slowly life is about to return to it's normalacy and I would be lying if I said that thought excites me. Again though it is what it is.

We have just returned from a place where I could take photos such as this

As I said on my Facebook page when I shared it there I am sure if you look hard enough there are fairies flitting around. Or at least words to that effect.

Right now I wish I was back there.

The peace and tranquility of it all can not be adequately described by words. The lack of commitments and responsibilities leads to a lack of worries and cares, and can not be underestimated. Sitting amongst the shady leaves on the cool of the rocks little seems to matter and life takes on a whole new meaning. One that has little to do with the likes of bills, working, money and the general doldrum of everyday living.

I want my life to be more than the general doldrum of everyday living. Though really who doesn't?

Having said that though in the twenty four hours since arriving home I seem to have done nothing but slip back into the ordinary of everyday. The downward pressure of Mounts Washmore and Foldme feels like it could easily suffocate me.

It is much easier just to put it in the too hard basket pick up some crochet and pretend I am once again sitting here


The downside of holidays I guess, the reality of home.

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Monday, July 15

I've run away.

Though not joined the circus (as much as I may secretly wish to some days). Mind you I there is a cicus currently in town that leaves on the weekend so I guess technically there is still time for me to run away with it. Not that I think they would really have me but that is possibly a whole different post.

All that I am running away from is posting here for a week or so. Or rather I am running away from the internet and all that it holds. It is one of those lead by example moments that many parents endure I am sure.

With the last week of the school holidays suddenly upon me and a desire to fit way more than is probably possible into the days that I have, I need to make as much time as possible.

Cue separation from one of my time's most draining activities. Blogging.


Though it is not the end of the world. Nor is it forever. I am sure we will both return refreshed and recharged

In the meantime there are plenty of popular posts to be found in the side bar.

Because I apparently had nothing else to do I went trawling through my archives and found these little beauties. Thoughtful aren't I?

There's losing and then there's losing - How my daughter dealt with her basketball team being whipped from one end of the court to the other

Snapping out of it - Great for if you are feeling sorry for yourself. I was and this was how I delt with it.

What makes a blogging superstar? - Do you know? Are you one?

The most unique capital city ever - A bit about what makes where I live so special. And it is not just becuase I live here either

Thirty Awesome Things About Me - No more need be said really

Take care, be good, and I will see you all again super soon.
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Friday, July 12

Things I Know About Cricket

 While Australia is rugging up for winter England is enjoy all the sunshine and fun that comes from summer. And with summer comes cricket. Specifically The Ashes.

Growing up cricket was a much loved past time. And by that I mean watching cricket on the TV was a much loved past time. Actually watching Australia play anything they were good at was a much loved past time.

When I was about fourteen, the then Australian cricket team came to town. It was beyond exciting because I live a million miles from anywhere and back then no one interesting ever came to town. In fact it was such an exciting time that mum actually gave me the day off school so I could go and watch them play.

Walking around the grounds that day was one of the coolest times in my life. I was beyond uber cool (only in my own lunch box of course). Even now I can vividly recall what I was wearing. A pair of dog  tooth print shorts and a long sleeve button up shirt that was tied in a knot above my belly button and had the sleeves rolled up in case you were wondering

image from here
Yeah shorts like this. God love the 90's
During the early nineties Australian cricket was booming with talent. The likes of Shane Warne were just starting to shine through while long time stalwarts like Dean Jones continued to do their country proud. Even if it was short lived with Jones being dropped from the test side shortly after this tour.

For this wide eyed and easily star struck girl seeing these big names was more than a highlight. As a cricket loving child in the eighties Deano was one of my most favourite cricketers ever. With his birthday just a day after mine I was certain that meant some kind of special connection between us. Even just thinking about it now I can feel my heart start to pound like it did as I stood there waiting outside the players change room to in the hope of an autograph.

As it turned out I didn't have to go looking for some of the stars as they just happened to find me in the crowd. One particular player, who may have gone on later in life to face some texting dramas, took it upon himself to help me eat my ice cream. While a much older and more established player informed me of what a heart breaker I would grow up to be. Followed by the somewhat suggestive comment of how he wished I were a few years older. You and me both mister.

Oh my beating heart be still!

It is no wonder then that from there a lot of my cricket infatuation was based on how attractive I thought the player to be. Oh me oh my though there sure were some hotties over the years.

By the time I reached my early twenties my interest had dwindled somewhat. Having said that though I would still excitedly watch a live game whenever it came to town. By now the likes of Brett Lee were taking the field and the Waugh brothers dominated and led the team to many a victory.

Somewhere along the line Ricky Ponting was given the reigns and what ever interest I had in the game all but disappeared. The team was filled with too many names I no longer recognised and not enough faces that appealed to my sexual desires. The fact we could no longer convincingly win didn't help the matter either. Suddenly my cricket watching days were over

Or at least they were.

Wednesday night saw the first day of the first Ashes test begin. Australia demolished the English batting line up. There was hope and excitement. Which of course was quickly dashed by James Anderson. A British bowling powerhouse that has me got me all a gaga. Till I remember he plays for the wrong team.

I may no longer know any of the players but there is something about this series that has reignited my love of the game. The likes of Anderson and debutante Ashton Agar may or may not have everything to do with it. Either I am excited and can't wait to see Australia return The Urn to where it rightfully belongs.

I know there are so many more things I want to share about cricket. Like stats and records. 
I know this post has probably gone on for long enough
I know that writing about cricket on a mummy blog is a little bit risky, there are lots of mums that aren't that interested.
I know that I just love it so much that I am sure a few other mums must as well. 
I know that you should share something you know here

And the last thing I know this week is that you should totally sit up all night watching the cricket with me

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Thursday, July 11

Agar to the rescue

With England all out before the end of the first day, of the first test, it appeared as if the Australians were up to the task at hand.

The task of course to return home with the ashes.

Given all the off field excitement within the ranks of Australian cricket there was much anticipation as to how the team would perform under their new coach, Daren Lehmen. Having bowled the English team out for what seemed the lowly total of 215 Australian cricket fans were given much needed hope.

Hope that was quickly shattered as the Australian batting line up crumbled faster than ever before.

English fast bowler, James Anderson, who in my opinion is beyond good looking, dismantled the Aussie batting line up. Shredding through the middle order leaving the tail end to wag like it never has before.

Enter 19 year old Ashton Agar.

image from here
In his debut match for the baggy greens and only his eleventh first class game Agar walks away with more records that many of his team mates made runs. He is now the highest scoring number 11 batsman.

Along with Phil Hughes, Agar restored hope when it was needed most. Taking to the field after watching his team mates fall like flies Agar showed courage and skill beyond his years. A breath if fresh air and admirable skill in such a young man. Agar is just what Australian cricket needed.

By lunch the Huges and Agar partnership had equalized the scoreboard and then take the lead. Shortly after lunch the pair took the record for the highest scoring tenth wicket partnership and Agar headed towards a maiden test century.

Sadly it was not to be.

Agar fell to ball from Broad that he misjudged and hit straight to Swann. With a lead of 65 Australia will take to the field inspired by the earnest battle of a teenager who fell two short of a century in his debut match for his country in the first Ashes Test.

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Tuesday, July 9

I thought you blogged on Tuesdays?

Was the cry I am sure many a reader screamed today when they dropped by to read my new and interesting words of wisdom. Only they couldn't because there weren't any. 

Well there were plenty a words of wisdom just not new ones. Apparently I don't blog on this Tuesday.

Not from want of trying though.

Well sure, I didn't try too hard last night when I opted to sit on the couch and watch Hamish and Andy's Asian Gap Year while finishing off this little beauty

Yes that's right a little crochet skirt. Handmade and designed by yours truly I might add. It is going to be the birthday present for a rather special four year old. I had hoped that perhaps one of my girls might have been interested but they jumped at the chance to pass it on to someone else. Truly.

In fact their sheer excitement and delight in being able to give this garment away made it quite clear that  there was not even any point in me offering to make them one. In fact now that I think about it even as I was making these headbands on the weekend no one said then can I have one.
Could it be that my kids think my hand made stuff is crap?
But enough of my children's lack of appreciation for my evident skills and creations. Zany was polite enough to say that while she liked the skirt it just wasn't something that she would wear because she doesn't like wearing skirts. And honestly I don't blame her on that one. I don't really like wearing skirts all that much either but you gotta admit a skirt crocheted out of wool would be pretty cool? Says the girl who lives in the tropics

Anyways back to me trying to blog on Tuesday with not much success.

With the school holidays well under way Zany and Teapot have become quite accustomed to amusing themselves for the first little bit of the morning. Which is nice. Gives me a little bit more me time and a chance to wake up at my own pace (read peel my eyelids off my eyeballs because I spent far too long playing on the computer to the early hours of the morning).

This morning however because I had not stayed up too late the night before I was able to awaken at a slightly earlier time with the intention of blogging. We all know about the best of intentions now don't we?

Needless to say far too much time elapsed and I was still without a post to share in my most favourite linky ever (and I am not just saying that because the host is a published author either) Try as I might I just could not get the words to flow. Poor Sally seems to be stuck by the side of the river indefinitely.

As it turns out, somehow, some way, eventually, I managed to get something that at least resembles a post over here on my fiction site that I rarely seem to write for any more. It is not the best. Not even close, but it is something. At least I have written. Twice in fact because I have now bumbled along here long enough for it to be a post as well!

Even though it is technically not Tuesday anymore I did actually start this post while it was Tuesday so that must count for something mustn't it?

Joining all the #IBOT fun found over at essentiallyjess.com

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The Water's Edge

By the time Sally reached the end of the designated path her pounding head had all but gone. The gentle breeze that greeted her as she got to the water's edge whisked the debris left from booze the night before. At least for the moment it did.

Standing there, on the edge of the bank, Sally took a deep breath in. Inhaling all goodness of the fresh air that surrounded her. A few more breathes and her lungs felt invigorated. She could almost feel the extra oxygen flowing through her.

Being there, alone and surrounded by nothing tranquil beauty was exactly what Sally needed. It was the perfect escape from the reality she wanted to ignore. At that moment, in amongst those trees, next to flowing water, her worries were gone and nothing seemed to matter. Sally felt at one with the world and more importantly herself.

Surveying the beauty before her Sally decided to head down stream a little before getting in the water. Sally wanted to make sure that she was away from any possible crowds and decided that was less likely to be the way chosen by others. There appeared to be more rocks in the water and fewer places on the bank to sit.

As much as she longed for the cool refreshment it would bring her she worried that it wouldn't be long before her solitude was destroyed. Given it was such a hot day she was certain she wouldn't be the only local to pop on down to the waterhole to cool down. She just happened to be the only one up and about so early.

As she went along the water's edge Sally kept an eye out for a tree large enough to provide shade for most of the day. Or at least for a few good hours before Sally needed to move. While a hike may have been appealing when she first set off, Sally was now more interested in finding somewhere to set up camp and enjoy relaxing in surroundings.

The effects of last night's drinking session felt as if they were starting to return. Sally could feel the perspiration suddenly start dripping off. The pounding in her head, which she thought had gone, felt as if it was getting ready to come back with vengeance, while the pit of her stomach was indicating a desire to exit.

Deciding that she had had enough Sally settled for the nearest shade possible. Which thankfully was found under a rather large old tree. As Sally lowered herself to the ground it felt more like she was collapsing. All energy mustered by her body for the day felt that it had none been depleted, leaving Sally to wonder how she would ever manage to make it home.

Opening her back pack Sally removed a water bottle and quickly guzzled the cold liquid within. Once again feeling it give life into her weary and dehydrated veins. Spreading her towel out on the ground Sally removed her clothes and headed towards the water. Her body tingling with anticipation of being submerged within the cool fresh water.

Monday, July 8

I must confess I love your blog

Alternatively known as, I must confess to being super duper excited to be this week's host of

My Home Truths

Normally hosted on a Monday by the lovely Kirsty over at My Home Truths today she has taken time off to go galavanting around the country side. While there may or may not be quality internet in the country side Kirsty would much rather be living it up with her precious family during the school holidays. And who can really blame her for that?

So while she is sitting by the indoor heated pool or watching the kids on the bouncing pillow I am here to host this week's confession. As I mentioned last week the topic for this week was to confess to the blogs that you love.

Which just between you and me turned out to be no easy feat! In fact I must confess that I did at one point wish that I had of chosen something else for us all to confess to.

There are just so many wonderful blogs out there how could I possible choose which ones to talk about in one post! 

As it turns out, I must confess that I can't choose or limit which blogs I want to talk about as loving the most. It is like telling my children which one of them is my favourite. They are all my favourite!

So instead I am going to confess to all the ways I keep track and share the blogs that I love.

For almost as long as I have been blogging, I have been sharing with my readers, in one way or another some of the blogs I love to read.

Currently, one of the ways that I do that is with this image in my side bar.

It was super easy to set up and is a great way of keeping my must reads in one place. Should I ever be sitting around idly with lots of spare blog reading time on my hands. 

The reality is more like, given all the things I like to do while I am on the computer or my phone, I rarely get time to Pin and don't think to update it regularly. Actually, I also refuse to give into yet another distraction that I think Pinterest is, but that is a whole other post. 

Another way I currently keep track of must read blogs is with my bloggy button box. Again in the side bar but this time right down the very bottom. It is a collection of buttons from blogs that I have passed through in my travels.

Have a laugh on me
A Study in ContradictionsMy Little Drummer BoysCircle of Toast

Kate Says StuffYou learn something new every dayCrash Test Mummy

It is still only a new addition and therefore a work in progress. But I must say, I am a bit of a fan of my efforts.

It is all thanks to Emily over at Have a laugh on me. She recently asked me for some links to some posts I did a while back on making blog buttons and social media buttons. She wanted to give it a go (and what a fine go she gave it) Anyways it got me thinking how you see so many people with grab my button but rarely do you see grabbed buttons.

Well I just changed all of that. There are still more buttons from blogs I love that I need to include like this one (who in 2016, when I am editing broken links, has changed her blog name from what it was in 2013 and no longer has a blog button because her site is now super professional as she is a fully fledged writer with books and everything) If you have kids and are in Sydney make sure you check out Hello Sydney Kids for heaps of fun places to go and things to do.

Anyway regardless of what she is up to in 2016 in 2013 Seana just happened to be someone else who let me know my button post helped them. You can not imagine the goosebumples this kind of stuff gives me. But enough of all the blogs I love and the different ways I share that love.

I wonder if any of my readers are old enough to remember when I did Monday Mentions... Though when I say I did I mean I joined in with someone else hosting... Like Mum Talks Autism and her meme I love your blog

But enough from me, I want to get reading on all the blogs you love.

Joining in is super easy, all you need to do is put your post link the the linky tool below and then head around to have a read of all those who have done the same.

If you want to be super tricky you can also add a lovely little button to your post. The code is

<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="http://www.myhometruths.com/" title="My Home Truths"><img alt="My Home Truths" src="http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z380/lourhi/I-Must-Confess-Button-150x150_zpsa33b2bb0.jpg" style="border: none;" width="120" /></a></div>

Next week the link up will be back with Kirsty at My Home Truths. Thank you so much to all those who have joined in and shared some bloggy love. Thanks also to Kirsty for entrusting me with I must confess while she enjoys a much deserved holiday.

Kirsty did say I could also choose the prompt for next week. Sadly I so far haven't been able to come up with one. Any suggestions?

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