Wednesday, August 24

Wordless Wednesday - Goldfish

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  1. Gorgeous photos. We always had goldfish as kids - although they never used to last very long. I think if the girls were ever to have a pet, it would be goldfish. :)

  2. Oh I've always wanted a pond with goldfish but fear the small boy may extract them and try to hug them.

  3. We have two angel fish, but they're a bit camera shy, and I am a bit inept at photography, so not a good combo for a good fish shot.

  4. Thanks for stopping by ladies :) The pond is super lovely as hubs very cleverly made it himself, we have gone through quite few fish actually, some due to the love of DD2 and some through rough water changes and levels, thankfully the girls have been very accepting of their passing

  5. I can imagine the kids would love the pond with goldfish.... constantly observing and watching :)

  6. My last pet was goldfish. They were a lot more work than I realised and when the last one died, I just couldn't take them on again. I get too emotionally invested! Ha ha! My hubby's old home had a natural rock pond which they filled with goldfish. Sadly, one hot summer's week, they forget to refill the pond with water. It was a massacre. We buried about 30 and saved one. That one started my fish tank.

  7. I love watching fish... they're so peaceful and serene <3

  8. How gorgeous! I would love something like that

  9. I really like the last photo with the lily leaves on top of the water - what a classic shot!

  10. oooh, do you have a fish pond in your backyard! It looks so peaceful!

  11. There's nothing like sitting by a pond, having a cup of tea and watching the goldfish. In out last house there was one, found it tricky to maintain but so very relaxing.

  12. Gorgeous I would have a gold fish pond except for my cats liking fishing.

  13. Cute goldfish, love feeding the fish.

  14. Oh you've made me miss having fish!!

    Happy WW!

  15. Beautiful photos :) My mother-in-law has a goldfish and and my kids just love it :)

  16. I love watching fish! My gran had fish ponds and we could play near them for hours!


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