Friday, January 25

Things I Know Early In The Morning

Well kind of anyway. It possibly should have been called A whole bunch of random things I know but I kinda did that the other week and I didn't want to bore you all with the same title again. Plus I am sure by the time I actually finish writing this post it will actually be early in the morning.

How can I be so sure of this you ask? The fact that it is currently 11:58PM gives it away really.

But enough of the drivel because Friday is nearly upon us and we all know that Friday here at A Parenting Life is all about flogging your blogging and sharing what you know. Plus I am tired and more than ready for bed but I have made myself a little promise to blog everyday so here I am.

I know that the post I wrote yesterday (which was actually only about half hour ago from when I am writing this to maybe my little promise to myself might be better off it was to appear as if I have blogged every day) will probably not actually get read by as many people as I think it should.

I know that posting at nearly midnight is pretty pointless unless you plan on linking it up somewhere and promoting the hell out of it on social media the next day. Yet I still do it. Far to often.

I know that it is with mixed feelings we return to school on Tuesday. I do really love having the girls around, they are the loveliest of company but they do hold me back from doing somethings.

I know that going to the Wave Pool today was a brilliant idea. It was the perfect way to wind down the holidays. And celebrate a lovely friends birthday. And spend time with my beautiful sister.
How could hanging out here not be a brilliant idea?
I know that I am super thankful for a few little opportunities that have been thrown my way of late. If all goes to plan I should have enough funds to get my #DPCON13 ticket! Oh so excited.

I know that when I started this post it was just going to be short and sweet due to the stupidness of the time and the few little opportunities that I just mentioned.

I know that if I didn't have said little opportunity then this post would actually be about politics and how I feel terribly wronged by Julia. Wronged so much that I now don't know who I want to swear my political allegiance to at the next election. Never fear though I am pretty sure that post will still surface in the not too distant future. Which I just know you are waiting for with baited breath.

I know that I do love joining in with Grace, Miss Cinders and all the crews on a Friday

Things I Know


  1. DPCON13 really?! I hope so! I'll be there!

    I am soo ready for school to go back. I'm exhausted from the holidays. I'll have one home for a day when the the rest go back - he starts Thursday - so we have planned a day to go out with our camera's. I think it'll be the best day of the whole holidays - but don't tell the other kids that! lol

    Thanks for linking up to TIK xxx

  2. Is that the one they are talking about having on the Gold Coast ? If so, I don't know that I will be there but I would love to catch up outside of it !
    The wave pool sounds like a great idea in the heat that we have all been experiencing. Glad you had such a good time.
    Enjoy the last few days before school starts again.
    Have a great weekend !

  3. I used to publish blog posts at night too but I make myself hold them over to the next day now to have at least a fighting chance of getting them read. But I also haven't made a promise to myself to blog I understand where you are coming from as I usually do my blogging at night too.

    Fantastic to hear about your opportunities and that they should see you get to DPCON13 - that is great news Rhi!

  4. I hope you're having a great day today with your sister, and that after a big McMassive sleep you'll feel invigorated and ready for next week! I look forward to reading more about your political views - I have plenty too but as a Kiwi who can't be gain citizenship (who got here after a certain date)I can't vote. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED! But that doesn't mean I can have an opinion right?!xx

  5. I was up late blogging too, and I just wanted to sleep, but had to get the story out of my head.

    I have never thought about the timing of posts, just shows my newbness huh.

  6. I often blog late at night but I do try and schedule them for early the next morning to publish when I can!!
    I guess we all work it out as we go on what is the best bloggy post time!!

  7. Being both a TV addict and night owl, what I know is that there are some killer reality TV shows on in the late PM / crazy early AM hours. Have you acquainted yourself with The Real Housewives of all the universe?

    I like to blog while screaming at the kids to shhhh because Mummy's trying to work. I find I get it done so much quicker and have no trouble ignoring the typo's and grammatical errors while I'm in such a frenzied state, heh.

  8. Enjoy DPCON13! I'm jealous. But also fully aware that I wouldn't enjoy it at that stage of pregnancy anyway :)
    Look at that photo. Those chairs. I need a lemon, lime and bitters.

  9. Oh, great news about DPCON13! Look forward to meeting you!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.