Monday, January 14

I have a new love

Last week there was something that I just had to tell you and I am glad I did. The support and encouragement that I received was heart warming. And it is with some of those kind words in mind that I write now.

As so many rightly pointed out for as much as I may have stopped doing somethings, there are many more that I have slowly kept slogging away at. Like this little old blog, like the fact I am no longer a smoker, like my running. And that is to name but a few.

Perhaps a better confession would be to being prone to exaggeration, bending the truth and fancying oneself as a bit of a story teller? But then you guys probably know all that all ready?

While we are being all open and chatty though I would like to make wee little confession regarding my feelings. Lately I have been feeling a little misunderstood. Posts that I expected to leave readers in stitches have had far from that effect. Instead I read through the well meant comments and wonder if my readers think I have a few self esteem issues.

Perhaps I do?

While on the one hand I walk around happily in a cloud of disillusionment where I am ecstatically happy with all facets of my being, the other is always wait to slap reality back into view. In between all of that I can still see flaws and areas for self improvement. Some say that is just natural though.

However the real contradiction occurs in the manner in which I am diligently outfit planning for my time in Sydney in March for the highly anticipated #DPCON13. One must always ensure one is dressed appropriately when mixing and mingling with society at large. This little backyard bush girl doesn't want to be standing out for all the wrong reasons when she hangs with the sleek city slickers.

I may have recently purchased a new handbag because I was certain that it would help me create the look that I wanted. The real me generally doesn't care to much for bags one way or the other, let alone allowing them to help create a look. If I have done that then it would be a bit like a secret though because who really has spare cash to blow on things like gorgeous handbags just after Christmas?

Sigh. It is such a beautiful bag though. I can't help but wonder if it is wrong to feel so much happy just for having a bag slung over your shoulder. Albeit a big beautiful green bag that can't help but draw the attention of everyone. I was going to keep it safely locked away till just before I left but I am not sure I am that strong.

It seems wrong to not use such a beauty...

What about you? Have you got a confession? Head on over to My Home Truths and join on in.


  1. Oh I love it! Definitely flaunt that bag at DPCON13 and every possible occasion before then :-)

    1. Thanks Janet. It is safely tucked away for the time being, school holidays are not really the best time for me to dive into city slicker mode, there is too much fun to be had

  2. I love the bag, I love that you are looking forward to #DPCON13 and I love that you are so honest about your feelings here. I'm a little like you, on the one hand I really don't care so much about how I look and can think of a million other things to spend my money on than clothes and accessories. But on the other, I just want to look and feel good in front of people who's opinion I care about. You will rock Sydney and I hope you have a wonderful time - I just wish I was going too...damn the expense of building houses... Thanks yet again for linking up Rhi!

    1. I wish you were coming as well, I read the other day you weren't going and felt a little sad. Obviously you were on my list of people I really wanted to meet. Stupid house building. ;)

  3. I have a thing for bags, too. I have two favourites, a canvas one for when I chuck on thongs and go out all casual, and a fancy leather satchel for when I want to look all sophisticated. Pleas don't tell my wife, though, because I tease her about her handbag collection every time she looks sideways at a new bag!

    1. lol Nathan and thanks for stopping by. And really I think you should let your wife have a new bag, or perhaps better yet send her to a blogging conference!

  4. Nothing like a new purchase to put some spunk back in your life! Bet you're totally excited about your trip to Sydney.
    I'm a bit of a story teller, except my life is usually that chaotic and crazy that if I bent the truth much more there would be 3 men in white coats knocking at my door asking if I was okay!!!
    Happy week Rhianna! Emily

    1. Emily I know exactly what you mean about the men in white coats, I often expect them here at any given moment! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week as well lovely

  5. Love the bag! Nothing wrong with a little gift for one's self...I will look out for you at the conference-I know you will be carrying that bag! P.S. I have a bad habit of getting excited about blog challenges and not finishing them...(quitters anonymous club)

    1. Thanks! Oh don't even get me started on failed blogging challenges! Look forward to seeing you in March

  6. oh my she is beautiful! what a fantastic colour! she will fit right in at DPCon13 (and so will you, woman!)

    1. Thank you lovely, she is so beautiful. Now to find a matching purse!

  7. I say use the bag every day if you want to. Just like using the good crockery and glassware, there's no point having the stuff so it looks fabbo in the cupboard is there? I mean who on earth shows people through their cupboards/wardrobes anyway? I know I sure as eggs wouldn't dare share those horrors to anyone!! LOL.

    And besides, there's nothing wrong with indulging one's passion - I won't go into my 'collection' of hats (I'm bald, so it's ok right?).

    G. xx


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.