Thursday, January 10

Tank Thursday

In a bid to get some feed back about this little old blog, I asked Mr Awesome if he had anything to share. In my wisdom, I thought that if anyone had some advice on how I could shake things up a bit it was him. After all who knows me better than him?

Let's just say that after the conversation that ensued I kinda wish I hadn't brought it up with him.

The essence of his critique was that I should loosen up a bit and just let go every now and then. Apparently, according to Mr Awesome's wisdom, I am too structured and formal. This applies to both my writing style and the type of posts that I published. I am also too opinionated and my posts feel more like a debate than fodder for a mummy blog.

His first recommendation was to get rid of being thankful on a Thursday. After all who wants to constantly read what you are thankful for? (His words not mine) I was going to point out that I hadn't actually done a thankful Thursday post since November but instead I decided to take all further comments he made with a grain of salt because clearly the regularity of his reading needs to be questioned.

Just as I was about to ask him what I should write about instead of being thankful, he pipped me at the post and said "Tank Thursday" would be a much better option.

"Tank Thursday???" I queried with a bemused look on my face as I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for his ingenious suggestion to be explained further.

"Yeah you know how in the footy last year there were teams accused of 'tanking' their game so they could get a better route to the finals? Do something like that on a Thursday instead of that thankful rubbish" he replied with a look on his face that looked like he had just made the greatest discovery ever.

"Hmmmm, I will take in on board" was about all that I could manage in response.

Mr Awesome then went on to explain that most other mummy bloggers covered topics very differently to me. They seemed to put their own spin on child rearing and it really wouldn't hurt for me to share a bit more about the raising the girls. He even went so far as to say that I should write more about any problems or uncertainties that I have and that way I could ask my readers for advice.

This was right before he started to lecture me on how I don't ask enough open ended questions and give my readers more of an opportunity to interact with me. Ending it with "you know like all the other mummy bloggers do"

At this point I couldn't take any more. I just had to know which mummy bloggers he was a regular reader of, because he was well and truly making himself like somewhat of an expert on the whole topic of mummy blogging.

"Gosh I don't know their names. I just read some the ones that you are friends with and comment on. though that Jess is pretty good" he eagerly responded.

"Yes she is..." I started to say before he cut me off.

"Yeah you should try and write more like her, her writing style is really easy to read, I like it a lot..." He began to babble on. Though I had stopped listening, my pride wounded, I found it hard to take much more in.

He is right of course, Jess is a great writer and always makes for a great read, I just kind of thought I was too. Only every time he spoke he made me feel less and less like it. It's not that he didn't say I wasn't a good writer, in fact quiet the opposite.

According to Mr Awesome my writing is of a too high quality for mummy blogger readers and that I should dumb my writing down if you will.

"Uh huh" was my meek reply. Unsure of how much more I could take. Thankfully though my saviour came in the form of a child inquiring when dinner would be ready. I don't think I have ever jumped up to feed them so quickly.

So dear reader what do you think, should I find a way to create a proper Tank Thursday? Where I get halfway through a post and then throw the rest away yet still publish in the hope of a better final outcome? Or should I just keep plodding along and pretend we never had this conversation?

This rather awesome post is linking in withsomegrace


  1. I think, forget about Mr Awesome's advice and go with your gut. Rachel xx

    1. Thanks Rachel, I generally do ;)

      It is all good, it was a really interesting conversation and I did actually get some positive stuff from it. I was quite surprised at how much he was impressing the need to create a community and give my readers a voice.

  2. Oh, the wisdom of husbands! I say go on as you are - I enjoy your posts and I don't think they are too formal (if they are then mine must be too!).

    The one thing I will say, don't try and write like anyone else. Write like you. Write what you want to write. Because if you try and conform and be like everyone else you will lose your voice and will no longer be true to yourself or your readers. I honestly don't think you have to offer advice or ask an open ended question at the end of each post to be a successful blogger. Just enjoy, write what you want to write and be you!

    1. I know right? And the wisdom of wives asking for that wisdom hey?

      I could never write like anyone else. I am me and me I am. And those that know me in real life know how cool I am with me, I am starting to wonder if I show that enough here. I know I have lots of faults and am lacking in many areas, both on the blog and in real life and I am all rather meh to it. Jess actually hit the nail on the head in a comment on another post. When I need to make change I seem to know it and just do it.

      I really appreciate your support lovely. Thank you.

  3. Oh husbands are such treasure's aren't they? It all depends on what you want out of blogging, I guess but I'm not too stressed about being a big name blogger... heck I couldn't cope with all the drama and heat that they all get sometimes! The best writing comes from the heart, so I think you should be yourself, and write from whatever place is best for you cause I think you're pretty great. Also, LOVING that new header :)

    1. Awe thanks lovely, I was looking at it earlier today and wondering if it were quite right. I can be a bit critical of myself at times.

      I am torn between the whole big name blogger thing. I would be lying if I said I didn't want it. I want to be a recognised as a real writer. Actually I want to be considered and acclaimed writer, though I would take renowned or famous as well. Like you though I am not sure I could really cope with the drama.

      Thank you for such kind words.

  4. am cracking up laughing right now at Tank Thursday! THANK YOU Mr Awesome for giving me a chuckle! (even if unintended!)

    I love your writing, and find it always interesting and informative, and love that you return the favour by commenting on my posts too xoxo

    1. I am so glad that you got a laugh out of this, Mr Awesome is as well.

      You know what I love most about your comment is that you have met me, (all be it for only a few hours) in real life.

      Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses lovely, thanks so much for dropping by.

  5. Husbands are full of wisdom aren't they! I like your writing style. Besides, you need to use your voice and not try to sound like some one else. That would Tank!

    1. They sure are aren't they Jo. Thanks for your kind words.

  6. I could flick Mr Awesome in the ear round abouts now!

    I love the way you write Rhi. And I love the warmth your posts always have.

    Obviously due to marital commitments you have to pick some salt out and take Mr Awesomes thoughts on board, after all we all know what happens if we don't... Husbands won't give us any advice again!!

    Have a fabulous day hunny! And flick Mr Awesome for me, and tell him it's from Miss Cinders! :D


    1. Thanks for your kind words and lol about the flicking. He really did mean it all in the nicest of ways.

  7. HAve to agree with the others - you need to write how you write and not try to emulate anyone else because it will come out in your writing and you may even lose readers. Just continue to be you !!! We love how you write otherwise we wouldn't come and read !!
    Have the best day !

    1. Thanks Linda. I really don't think I could write any other way even if I wanted to.

  8. Do whatever you enjoy! We'll be here, reading.

  9. Rhianna, my hubby is awesome seriously but I realised that even if his opinion is very important to me, I can't listen to all what he says regarding things he don't know much about such as blogging and writing. Personally, I love reading you. You have to stay honest with yourself and your writing style. I think this is what your readers love most about you and your blog. Tank Thursday... Seriously...!

    1. yes very true Rita, if he has little experience or knowledge in the area he probably isn't the best person to go to for advice. Thanks for you dropping in with your kind words

  10. In the early days, my husband would proof read every one of my posts and my blog got nowhere. Now I go with my gut and write without (or with little) censorship.
    I agree with what Rachel has to say: Go with your gut.

    1. Thanks Grace, I would never think of asking him to proof read, and I doubt I could do anything but follow my gut. Sure was an interesting conversation though

  11. I'm sorry Rhianna, but I laughed through most of this post. Only because of the absurdity of some of Mr Awesome's comments! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he is, well, awesome, but really? Dumb your writing down?
    No my dear lady, you should continue writing from the heart. Just like you do already :)

    1. Don't be sorry at all Tracey, I am a little glad you could see the humour in it all to tell you the truth. There were parts of the conversation where I was internally laughing pretty hard! Thanks for dropping in

  12. You know I have to ask my hubby if he has read my blog and often he hasn't. I'm a newbie to this whole blogging world, but I enjoy reading yours.
    I bore easily with blogs as I'm a writer/journo so unless you grab my attention I'll ignore a post, but I follow and enjoy you, and I'm not just saying that.
    (but this isn't to say what I think matters in the slightest)
    If you've read my posts then you know I'm straight up and say what I think.
    And that is what I like about how you write.
    If you are enjoying what you do, continue in the way you want to.
    If not then figure out what you want from it all and do it!
    Happy weekend!
    Emily :)

    1. Thank you so much for you kind words Emily I really appreciate it.

  13. Stick to your guns I say, you have a lovely writing style. Go with what comes naturally in my opinion. To be honest if I listened to my husband when he suggests blog posts to me, my blog would be chock full of 'handy' financial accounting tips. :-)

    1. Thanks Rhian, husbands hey? Where would we be without em ;)

  14. Thanks for the heads up, I am so busy on a Friday with some other link ups I am not sure I could squeeze another one in. All good and well to link but it just wouldn't be right if I couldn't share some comment love


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.