Sunday, October 23

Sunday Session - Music that makes me smile

Today for the first time ever I am joining in with Thea over at Do I Really Wanna Blog? with a collection of some of the tunes that have helped me through the last few days.  Regular readers will know that the last few days have been filled with some turmoil for me as I have battled through trying to help those that I love.  As it turned out I was just sticking my big unwanted nose in their business.  Lessons have been learnt and I am moving on, slightly wounded, but stronger than ever before on many levels.

First cap off the rank is an oldie but more than a goodie.  There is just something in the beat that just picks me right on up no matter how large the doldrums might be.

Now I am not really sure what the attraction is but for some reason old Johnny (Cash) really has a way of cheering me up.  As next on the play list is

Again it is just the rhythm and beat of this one that just gets inside my soul and shakes out any sadness that may be there.

Finally when all else fails this always leaves me with a smile