For while I am in my iPhone DD3 is playing on the iPad and when I finally manage to drag myself away from the comfort that is still being in bed at 9.30 I will go and finish this post on my beloved Mac. Yes, I heart Apple. A lot.
Though this is not meant to be a post dedicated to my love of apple. Instead I wanted to just take some time out and write. I have worked hard all week on being organized and writing regularly, actually daily, which has been a lovely start to the year but the posts have all been linking up ones which I feel at times limits what I write. Well maybe limits is a bit strong bit it does create a bit of extra pressure.
You see when I link up I know that those post will be read. When I just do a random little installment that has the sole purpose of meeting my egoistical needs of feeling like a writer I generally publish it at a rather obscure hour which is likely to not be seen by anyone. Yep I know when the blogging witching hour is to ensure posts never get read. My first two years of blogging are testament to that.
However today that is different. Today I am linking up with the recently discovered
and her