I had planned to have this week off from blogging but today was such a wonderful day I just had to stop and share my thanks. We are currently on holidays in Sydney. Actually just outside Sydney but close enough to head to the big smoke for a day here and there.
Today was one of those days that we decided to spend checking out what life is like in the hustle and bustle of city life. Given the differences between home and a big city I am super thankful to have been able to show the girls another side of life.
As we were walking around the aquarium down at Darling Harbour I realised just how thankful I really was to be able to take the girls on holidays. The looks on their faces, especially the little ones was just amazing. I could feel the memories they were creating and for that I am thankful.
As a child my parents couldn't afford to take us on holidays very often. Actually at all. We did a few camping trips every few years bit never on a plane. It wasn't until I was seventeen and won a competition that include air plane tickets that I even got go interstate with my parents. Even then it was only dad and I rather than he whole family. I should point out that when I was six my parents sent me to England for six weeks, which was awesome but still not a family holiday. So being able to take my children on a holiday that involves a plane ride is something that I am eternally thankful for.
I also thankful that we have been able to have the money to buy take out more than normal, stay in such comfortable accommodation and experience things that are different to home. I feel truly blessed at the moment. Being able to share these experiences with family members I have not seen for far too long has only made the experience better and givene more to be thankful for.
Linking up with Kate over at www.katesaysstuff.com