Children didn't stir until nearly 7.30 and when they did Hubs swiftly swept them downstairs and away from my slumbering eyes. This allowed me and DD1 to remain dreaming for a further two hours. Absolute bliss I tell you. I could have gone a little longer but did not want to waste the day. After all we had nothing but fun planned.
After a quick coffee we got dressed and headed off to the Darwin Life Home Expo. Which I must say I was quite excited about. I couldn't help but look forward to all the pens and stuff I hoped to come home with. As a child I can clearly remember Expo show bags being a highlight for months after the event. Since it was pretty much a free event we got to go every year.
We had a great time looking at all the stands and the girls loved the showbags. Which I must say have certainly improved since I was a kid. We now have an abundance of environmentally friendly (apparently) reusable bags. The freebies were pretty awesome in general actually. The girls picked up stubby coolers, pens, drink bottles, jelly beans and a whole range of goodies.
Since I was fortunate enough to be given a free family pass we were able to have lunch while we were out which was a super big treat. Hubs and I found a lovely little alfresco dining area attached to a place called the Fiddler's Green. Almost felt like we were in a pub, of which we both only have a hazy memory of.
On the way home we stopped by Nan's for a visit and all 3 girls behaved beautifully which meant for happy times all round. Nan can be a bit touchy at times. Her views on child rearing differ to mine at times. Thankfully though today this subject was easily avoided.
The rest of the afternoon was essentially free time for all and passed with out any major upsets or incidents. Which is always nice. Even bed time seemed to run particularly smoothly. The joy of exhaustion :)
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Photos from today I will put up later (tomorrow) The day out and about may have been very lovely but it did not get the housework done. Part of me had hoped the housework fairies might have stopped by while we were out but alas they much have the day off as well...
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