Saturday, May 3

Day Three of #CHbloginmay

Today's prompt from Clairey for day three of her blog every day in may challenge is called Changing Tracks. The idea being to share a song that that reminds you of a certain time of your life.

For me it is an absolute no brainer.

The winner is this

Without a doubt, each and every time I hear it I am instantly sent back in time to the late nineties where I am very badly shaking my groove on nightclub dance floor with a rather hot young man I went to high school with, who was by that stage training to be a fighter pilot.

He was a year younger than me at school but was much higher in the cool stakes than what I ever had a chance to be so I never dared approach him back then. However slightly intoxicated (or perhaps highly inebriated) on a dance floor a few years later there was no such lack of confidence or perceived inequalities.

Yes another short and sweet post I am afraid. We are still enjoying our staycation at a caravan park an hour out of town. Well everyone else is there but I am currently on my way to work. Or at least I am meant to be. You know me though must get my blogging done first. 

To all the other lovely bloggers that have popped in from the challenge, I really will be round to read ALL your wonderful posts in the week. Promise.

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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.