Tuesday, May 17

Day One

Ok so I am going to count how many days in a row I can post.  Fingers crossed I make it into the thousands though quite frankly I would be happy just to make it to ten.  Only time will tell I guess.

I am absolutely knackered.  Last night I stayed up way too late.  Especially given the early start for today.  Which I was only a little late for but still, late is late.  In an effort to return to my conscious effort to improve, I have decided that I need to be a little more critical of myself.  Life is all about a careful balance, which at times needs careful and constant consideration.  Tardiness is no longer acceptable and I must change my ways.

(slow deep breath)

Tomorrow will be the real test though.

Tomorrow I have to 
  • leave the house just after 7am (this is approximately an hour earlier than normal)
  • interact with unknown quantities of strangers all while ensuring DD3 is happy and quiet
deep long breath out. straighten back. big slow breath in... and go.

Oh and did I mention the half hour drive to search for a room in a building I have never been to before.  On the upside I do get to check out a rather new school and learn all about positive behaviour support.  Must always remember the upside.  I like to think that I do but sometimes I know it is easier said than done.

Anyway that is it about it for now.  In light of tomorrow I am off to sleep.  You see on top of the already mentioned I would also like to bake some muffins, wash the dishes, fold all the laundry, iron some clothes, dust the fans, fly to ... oh wait... where was I? 

That's right I still need to tell you about some of the exciting things I have planned.  Well to start with there is my Inspirational Women Interviews.  The first of which I hope to have out before the end of the week.  I already have two more wonderful women with whom I want to share with you.

The other big thing is photos.  I am going to be needing a photo for every single post.  Some of these I will take specifically for the post.  Others may come from my personal collection and others again will be sourced from various places around the net.  I will also be taking suggestions and requests.  If you have a photo you would like to see featured on A Parenting Life (APL) drop me a line in the comment box.  

On that note I need a photo for today.  
(scratches head and creases brow)

Ok photo sorted (which  you actually already know as it is at the top of the post).  It is a landscape shot taken nearly 12 months ago.  It is somewhere in Kakadu National Park.  Darling Hubs took it while we were playing tourist with some much loved English family. (longing sigh)

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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.