I know that Patty the Patrol is by far and away my favourite vehicle to ever have owned. Claude the Corolla is in some ways a very close second because it was my first ever car but due to the fact the Patty has air con, is a 4WD and has a very cool number plate he wins.
Patty the Patrol in all his glory when we went on our Outback Adventure |
I know that with the possible threat of a cyclone looming, not to mention Christmas, filling Patty up seemed like a good idea.
I know that I could come up with a heap of reasons as to why I had such a moment of stupidity that saw me potentially cause Patty some serious damage. None of the reasons really matter though. It still happened.
I know that upon lifting the nozzle out of the bowser and noticing there was no extra catch to lift up I should have started paying more attention to things.
I know that I am super glad I was able to find someone to help me push my big heavy car so I didn't have to start it. (which may potentially have saved us thousands of dollars)
I know I am super super thankful that I have someone who will be able to help me fix this near on catastrophe. (again potential savings here is massive)
I know that while I hold not going to my regular service station as one of the many reasons as to why this happened, there is a part of me that is glad of where we were. The service station where the terrible deed occurred was only meters away from a family friendly sports club with a liquor license.
I know that drinking is not the way to solve one's problems but having a quick rum while I waited for hubs to pick us up made it all a little easier to deal with.
I know that when the consol operater told me that I was the third person in twenty four hours to have put petrol, rather than diesel into their car I was not exactly comforted. Though I can find some comfort in the thought now.
I know that in the end everything will be ok. And really there is no point beating myself up. I was not the first persons to do this and I will not be the last. I know that I still feel like a right twat though.
I know that the final thing I know this eve of Christmas Eve is that I am super excited to be linking up today as TIK takes up it's new residency with Kellie at The Good, The Bad and The Unnecessary.
Funny, made me laugh, that is something I would do! My husband would kill me :)There are just too many things to remember in life, nothing like a looming cyclone to scatter your brain! Stay safe and enjoy Christmas.