While I was aimless wandering round my usual combination of Twitter, Facebook and favourite blogs I noticed that Veronica over at Mixed Gems kept going on about this thing called Weekend Rewind. Not being one to miss out on a good link up opportunity I went to discover more. And boy did I discover!
The gracious host is a blog rather new to me and yet I already feel like I have stumbled across a long lost friend. Of course discovering a wonderful new blog this early on a Saturday morning means what little hope my housework had of getting done is now greatly diminished. So where can this blog I speak of be found? Well they are in the cool crowd and have buttons so click the button below and off you will go.
See I told it was awesome there.
So after much thought, deliberation and re-reading I was able to find a post that was suitable to include in this week's link up. This week the theme was a post from September. I didn't bother looking past September this year because quite frankly I have only been putting a concerted effort into this blog since about March. So September 2011 had a total of 20 posts to it's name. Most of which were a TIK or Thankful Thursday post with a few Wordless Wednesday's thrown in for good measure. Apparently I can only blog if I am linking up (actually I link up because so far that has been the best way for me to get traffic).