Tuesday, April 1

Getting my run back on

Just over two years ago, on the 18th February 2012 to be exact, I began to change my life forever.

Inspired primarily by Trish and Kate I laced up my sneakers and decided to see if could suddenly become a runner.

I say suddenly because for my entire life before that point running was not something I thought I could do. Sure I played team sports as a teen that involved a lot of running but that was different. Short dashes from one end of a field to another chasing a ball hoping to get there before someone else did was not exactly real running. Especially when it left you completely and utterly out of breath and gasping for air.

Somehow though, with time, patience and perseverance I could slowly feel a change occurring within in my inner being. As I worked my way through my beloved interval training program I noticed that I was actually able to run for extended periods of time. In fact after about eight weeks I was actually able to maintain a steady much faster than walking pace for a solid thirty minutes.

Since then my running has fluctuated. There has been times when I would be out pounding the pavement every other day and other times where a month and sometimes more, would pass between runs. Though the longer I went without running the more I would long to do so and eventually I would find a way to get myself back out there.
Me getting myself back out there

Over this period I have managed to propel myself nearly 500 kilometres. In June last year I entered my first fun run. A twelve kilometre city to surf event. Being able to say I completed it feels me with all kinds of pride. As does being able to call myself a runner. Words I honestly never thought would leave my mouth.

On the television the other day I heard an advertisement advising that registrations for this year's City to Surf event were now open. Needless to say I am registered. Last year I had less than a month to prepare myself for the big day. This year I have about double that and I am making the most of it.

Sadly recent months have seen less running than I would have liked. Between working, studying, the weather, being a mum and all kinds of stupid excuses have made squeezing in time for a run easier said than done.

At least that was the case before I registered for the race.

Once I had registered, which involved me parting with forty dollars, I made a promise to myself not to make any excuses not to get out there. The running inspired birthday gifts I received the other day have helped no end in this as well.

The past few weeks have seen me go for a run more than what the last three months have. In so many ways it feels rather awesome to be back out there. However there is one slight problem.


I just can't seem to do it while I run anymore. I am back to gasping for air like a fish out of water. It feels awful and makes running rather difficult to say the least.

Thankfully though the internet is a wealth of information and I have been able to read a few articles on how runners should be breathing. This post was supposed to share some of my new found breathing while running tips but I think we can all agree it has gone of for long enough for now. Make sure you pop back tomorrow because I will share it all then.

For now go and check out some of the other bloggers who have joined in #IBOT
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  1. Good on you , Rainbow runner Rhianna. I just started running again on Sunday. I have terrible form and I breathe like a sweat hog. I am all ears tomorrow.

  2. Well done on getting back out there and registering for a race. I always found if I had a goal to train for, it made training so much more worthwhile.
    I'll be back tomorrow to read what you have found out about breathing - it used to be that it would take me 1km to get my breathing right when I was running - now I am barely walking never mind even thinking about running.
    Have a great day and keep it up !

  3. So awesome to see you so happy and enthusiastic about this - City to Surf sounds awesome - well done for registering - no doubt you'll be awesome - will there be a blog post update once it is done?

  4. Well done Rhi! Keep it up! I have fallen off the running wagon and would love to get back on. Maybe soon, when the weather is cooler (says the girl who DOESN'T live in the NT!). I always find breathing while running the hardest part, too. x Aroha (for teamIBOT ;-)

  5. Yay! So glad you're back out there!
    I'm too scared to run after hurting my ankle again, but it's only a matter of time till the physic makes me. I'm scared stiff, but I really want to do it.

  6. Good on you, maybe this is the post that I needed to read to give me a kick. I use to run and exercise everyday but I have let life get in the way and now I am suffering for it.
    Congratulations for signing up to do this years run. You have inspired me to get going again xx

  7. YAY for getting back on that elusive horse, I wish I could find my horse, silly thing has gone AWOL ;) Maybe I need a thing to sign up to so I have to be accountable :)


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.