Let me just start by saying I am super excited by the fact that Things I Know has a new home!
As far as I am concerned it is one of THE best linkies that I have ever come across and the thought of it no longer existing made me genuinely sad. While I would have loved to have it here again, with Thankful Thursday, our impending adventure of a lifetime, not to mention daily trials and tribulations that make up my life, it just wasn't possible.
Now that is out of the way let me share some of the other things I know this week.
I know I am super glad that Ann happily put her hand up to take it on and I just know she will be a super awesome host for it.
I know that with ten minutes till I am meant to be at work I possibly shouldn't be making the time to blog.
I know that I am beyond pleased I managed to just scrape in the first round of my assessments before they were due. Talk about cutting it fine.
I know that for some crazy reason being able to put a biro through my hair to hold it in place excites me no end.
I know that using my newly learnt breathing tips on my run this morning made a rather large difference to how I went.
I know that my post on breathing and running has not been read by nearly enough people.
I know that I am sorry to all my thankers yesterday for not commenting on your lovely posts.
I know that I will get there, just probably not today.
I know that I really must go and get a wriggle on for work!
I know I am beyond glad work is less than a two minute drive away.
What is it that you know this week?
Head over to Ann's and see what others are knowing
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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.