Monday, October 21

Giveaway - Nana Dot Handmade Baby Goods

Today I am super excited to introduce to you a wonderful new handmade stay at home mum venture.

Nana Dot Handmade Baby Goods

I know that it is not the most wonderful of photo and you are probably wondering exactly what they are, but there were just to many beautiful necklaces for me to choice just one to take a photo of.

Actually even choosing which photo to use once I narrowed down to just three necklaces still wasn't an easy task. Nor was taking the photos for that matter, as seen by the horrible light reflection on the table.

These necklaces are made from BPA free, food grade silicon beads. Which makes them a-ok for your baby to be putting in their mouth (as babies want to do). Making them not only incredibly fashionable but incredibly useful when you are out and about with a teething baby that you would prefer not to drop their teething toys on the ground. 

Yes more dodgy photos of far from dodgy necklaces.
Necklaces that are great for mothers of teething babies to be wearing I might add. Though just between you and me I think they are far to funky to be purely teething necklaces. 

But wait there is more.

I know this may look a little like a bracelet it is not. It is however a sensory necklace for a little person on the autism spectrum. Again though my terrible photography does not quite do it justice. Oh and if you were wondering bracelets can be ordered.

All the necklaces are knotted on a nylon cord with a breakaway clasp used. The necklaces are designed to be worn by mum and as with all teething products should be closely supervised. Care and cleaning of the necklaces is as easy as washing in warm soapy water.

But wait there is still even more!

Nana Dot Handmade Baby Goods is more than just silicone beads. There are also burp clothes, bibs, bandana bibs (great for teething dribble), taggies and even more to come. Though if you want to see those little beauties you will have to head on over to the Nana Dot Handmade Baby Goods Facebook page and check it out yourself. 

What I do have for you though, is the ability to win your very own necklace. Or if you were feeling generous a necklace that you could pass on to a new mum. They do make super cool presents after all.

All you have to do to enter is like the Nana Dot Handmade Baby Goods and click a few buttons on the rafflecopter entry below. Nana Dot is still super new to the land of Facebook so it would be great to give her some loving.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Joining in IBOT   fun with Essentially Jess

Oh and for those that like disclaimers, Nana Dot is very good friend of mine who has decided to try a home based business in the hope she won't have to return to traditional employment and instead be able to stay at home and enjoy more time with her three beautiful children. She asked me if I would be interested in hosting a giveaway in a bid to gain her some exposure and help her venture grow. (Just quietly I was tickled pink that she thought I had the ability to help expose her - because that is not some you get asked everyday - Can you help expose me?) Needless to say no payment was sought or given, just lots of love spreading.


  1. These don't look like baby things at all! I'm amazed!!!! And I want one. (necklace, not baby)

    1. I know they look great don't they. Certainly fashionable for any woman I think

  2. My daughter 5.5 years is a chewer, and chews her uniform buttons, towels, pencils, rubbers ANYTHING she can get her hands on - so I'm heading over to see if I can find one for her to wear at school as a friend has a child on the spectrum and she told my daughter about them!! Thanks for sharing and I wish Nana Dot all the best!

  3. I love necklaces that are chew friendly for my daughter. She loves grabbing my necklaces and stuffing them into her mouth. Definitely would love one of these necklaces!

  4. What a great idea! Although I'm past the teething baby stage (me and my kids) they would make a great present!

  5. They are very cool. Makes me wish I had a little bubba wrapped around my neck again

  6. These are so cute. I have so many friends pregnant and would love these as gifts for them.

  7. These are soooo cute and would make awesome baby shower gifts I think- something different, cute and functional xx

  8. Love this idea - they are very funky!!!!!

  9. Wow! Love them! They are so colorful! Love the designs! Best of luck with the business!

  10. It is so great to see friends supporting one another as they venture into something new. Good luck Nana Dot, I am sure you will do very well.

  11. I love this idea and will be checking them out for when my little one starts teething!!

  12. Super cute! I haven't been able to wear a necklace in 3.5 years coz there was always a bub chewing on one and I was worried they'd choke on it. Might have to get me one of these for the next one :)


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