Tuesday, October 1

If you can't say anything nice...

Then don't say anything at all.

Or at least that is the way I was brought up. 

Despite it being Tuesday and despite my love for blogging on Tuesdays, part of me wasn't going to bother trying to blog today. Based on the whole if you can't say anything nice principal, there is a chance that it could very well be for the best if I were to stop now.

But I am not going to because I have my grump on and when I have my grump on I like to try and break a few rules here and there.

The worst part of it all is that I don't even know why I have my grump. All I know is that if given the chance I would happily stab random eyeballs with a fork. In fact now that I think about it, I could almost delight in stabbing with a fork any and all random bodily areas.

There is no apparent reason for this foul mood. Other than the usual fun and games of life. 

Like the rather strenuous yet environmentally friendly trip to the supermarket that saw me not actually come home with everything that I needed to prepare dinner.

Surprisingly (or not) pushing a three year old, who won't (possibly can't) peddle,
on a bike that appears to have the brakes permanently on, with very poor steering,
while dragging a wheeled bag full of groceries, not to mention the two extra bags
that wouldn't fit in all the way home is no where near as fun as what you might think.
Not that it really mattered because the moment Mr A walked in the door from work, he whisked me and two super exhausted girls down to the local hockey stadium to watch the U15 National Championship. Random you might think, but he discovered some kids of some blokes he knew in another life and state were playing and wouldn't it be great to see them and....No need to organise to dinner there will be something there. We stupidly thought

I really wish I had of followed Teapot's lead when she curled up on the couch and fell asleep. Turns out five hours poolside really took it out of her everyone there. 

Gosh I love school holidays.

Any way given that it is Tuesday, and I am joining in all the fun of IBOT, and there are so many wonderful post to be read I will end this one for you. It is nothing like what I wanted it to be. Though nothing new there. 


Oh if you were wondering about the story I spoke of last week, it can be found here
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  1. I hope those grumps go away soon and your week improves. Nothing worse than a grumpy school holidays! (We've had those here many-a-time)

    1. Yes nothing worse than grumpy holidays, thankfully the grumps passed pretty quick this time

  2. I give you permission to dump the kids in front of the tv, go outside and read a book (and paint your toe nails). That will work....

  3. No advice from me (although I've been there many a time) but just a big virtual hug x

  4. I second Lydia's advice!!!! Hope your grumps go away soon lovely lady.

    Visiting from #teamIBOT today xxx

  5. I've heard eyeball-stabbing can be rather cathartic...

  6. Man you and I would have been a pair yesterday!
    Would you like to come around and stab my nasty passerby with a fork? Or anything really. I'm over him tormenting my dog

  7. Sometimes it's just one of those days, and nothing makes it better! Hopefully your week gets better hun x

  8. Ugh! I hate it when a good idea for a nice day out turns to shit. I hope you had a better day and feel less like stabbing someone with a fork xxx

    1. Yes it makes you wonder why you bother doesn't it? All is well now though

  9. I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this comment !!!!
    Have the best holidays !

  10. I hear you regarding those grumps! I have been in a bit of a slump lately too. Hope things pick up soon xxx

    1. Must just be something in the air I guess hey? hope you are feeling better as well

  11. Oh no. Nothing worse than an impromptu case of the grumos. Hope you waken up smiling tomorrow wwwww.poppiesforme.blogspot.com xx

  12. I hope the grumps bugger off for you soon. Nothing worse than feeling angry and not really knowing why. Especially because everyone seems to keep asking 'what's wrong' and you just want them to bugger off. Take some for yourself, like Lydia suggested go and have some girl time, read a book, have a bubble bath.

    1. I think I was just mainly frustrated with the stupidity of the world. I had seen some pretty annoying things online and the post was supposed to be about that but then I realised my bitching about the nastiness of others wasn't necessarily any better than the original nasty

  13. Ha ha I get the grumps when it's PMS time, or at 4.30 every morning when my hubby leaves for work and wakes me and THAT'S THE START OF MY LONG DAY! Here's to a happy Wednesday lovely xx

    1. I would be grumpy at that time of the morning as well. That is just wrong!

  14. Don't worry I get the grumps often. Just ask hubby.

  15. I hope the grump went away after not too long. Feeling slacko, not blogging or commenting much, but I am reading (sometimes!) xx

    1. Yes they did lovely, thanks for stopping by

  16. I hate those days when you seem to just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing can get you out of the grumps. Hopefully you are now back to your sunny best!

  17. I hate these days Rhianna but we all have them, days when everything seems to have a bad taste for no reasons... I hope your week-end is being good and I'm sending you positive thoughts.

    1. Thank you Rita, all has been well since I posted, guess I just needed to get it out


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.