Tuesday, May 26

Changing to find the right words

It's fair to say that writing here on this old blog of mine has taken a bit of a back seat of late. Partly because of the busyness of life and partly because I just haven't been sure of what to say. Which quite frankly has made me a bit sad.

A Parenting Life has always been a place where I could find something to say. Sure it might not always have been the best of things but it was at least something, which is always better than nothing.

Anyways while I lamented over not being able to find the right words to write here it seemed like I had only one option.

Start a new blog.


I struggled to find the right words for here so surely it would be easy to find some words for a new blog with a fresh new start?

Well the first post was, but then I realised I didn't like the dodgy header I put together in a rush and suddenly not only could not share my new space with anyone but nor could I find words for there either.

This wonderful new blog title sat empty for well over a week while I tried desperately to think of something of worth to say. My answer to finding my words again just made the words even harder to find.

Oh the sighing.

To make things even worse stupid Facebook made things next to impossible to change the name of my page from A Parenting Life. I reluctantly went about setting up a new one only given how long it has taken to build my community I wonder why.

Anyway yesterday I bit the bullet and managed to actually write something that I deemed worthy of being able to post in my new space. I still don't know exactly what to do with my old space though. There are so many words and so many memories it doesn't seem right for it to just stop being.

For now though it will be and I guess over time everything else will work itself out.

Joining in with Jess for IBOT
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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.