Saturday, May 9

A fresh new start

looking across some rocky water

Sometimes when you least expect it someone will make an offhand comment and it will suddenly sound like the best idea ever. That happened to me just the other day and now here I am with a fresh brand new blog just waiting to be filled with my words of wisdom.

There are still many creases to be ironed out, layouts to be designed, Facebook pages and various social media channels to be changed or created. I am still deciding exactly what path I will take. I am in love with the idea of a rebrand and something new and exciting but the thought of losing all my followers makes me a little sad. 

For now though the domain is secured and working so that is the first step done and dusted. 

 photo fwbksignature_zps702ebc7d.jpg


  1. Congrats on the new blog (and for some reason I can't leave a comment on the old blog?) My question,are you wrapping up the old blog, or running 2 so you can talk more broadly? What a wonderful photo too, by the way.

    1. Thanks Lydia. I am still not sure what is going to happen, APL will stay live and I am thinking I will transfer over some of my favourite posts. I want this to be a showcase of all my best writing, so naturally I am too scared to write anything at the moment.

  2. I keep thinking about creating a new blog, my current blog is a bit daggy!!

    1. lol, my new blog is a bit daggy, I started it before I thought about designing it and now I haven't had a chance to make it look better

  3. Such a brilliant idea Rhianna. Love the name of your new blog. It's always great to start on a fresh new page. I hope you enjoy your new space. I look forward to following you . X

  4. Such a brilliant idea Rhianna. Love the name of your new blog. It's always great to start on a fresh new page. I hope you enjoy your new space. I look forward to following you . X

  5. Good luck on the new blog! I hope it becomes the creative outlet you crave to let your writing shine x


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.