Tuesday, January 14

Yay I am back on track!

Man oh man oh man!

Talk about chasing your tail.

Image found here
I guess it all really started this time last week. I had the most perfect post idea in my head but I just couldn't seem to get it out and nor could I get anything else out till this was done. Oh the drama of writer's block.

It is no secret that I am huge #IBOT fan. I just love blogging on a Tuesday (and let's face it who doesn't). Only being all prepared with scheduled post seems to have eluded me of late. And only made worse by the fact I decided to test myself with a little let's blog everyday challenge. Which in case you were wondering isn't exactly going to plan.

However thanks to some blog post cramming and back dating (I will spare you all the gory details, you're welcome) this post will now see me back on track and able to at least portray the perception I blogged every day for a while. 

Why this is important to me I do not know but it is. And one thing I have come to realise about this little old blog is that at the end of the day I do it all for me. So while most other bloggers are turning to the slow blogging movement I am here punching out post after post in the hope it will somehow make me a better writer. 

Practise makes perfect right?

Having said that though it has been a big morning at the office with these two little beauties already being published 

leaving me somewhat drained of inspiration for this post. 

But that is ok because I feel all kinds of awesome for still being able to pretend I have written every day. The fact that I have shared my failings and back dating palaver means I am able to continue on because I have been all open and transparent. I am nothing if not honest. And perhaps just a little crazy.

So what about you? 
Any crazy new year's ideas you are trying to live up to or did you let it slide by the way side like I most possibly should have?

Do you blog on Tuesdays with Jess?
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  1. You know I actually did write a post almost every day in 2013. By the end of the year everyone was sick and tired of me but once I was in the habit I just couldn't stop. My new year idea is to post less and give my friends a break :)

    1. Well done you Pinky! I hope people aren't sick and tired of me!

  2. I love blogging on Tuesdays with Jess! I think this year I'm going to cut back a bit and just try to blog twice a week... I need to have a bit more of a life I think! Go you blogging everyday! That's amazing! I look forward to reading all your posts! xxx Lucy from Bake Play Smile #teamIBOT

    1. Thanks Lucy, I figure if I want any hope of being the writer I dream of I need to write every day and the blog is the easiest way to start that habit

  3. Well done.
    I've had the same issues. I meant to start blogging last Tuesday. I did 1 WW, 1 giveaway and now today in all of January.

  4. I think I need to have some sort of blog plan/diary and then try and schedule some so I don't write things last minute! Glad you've got your mojo back lovely! xx

    1. Yes I would love to get to the point where my posts are a little more planned rather than so off the cuff. One day.

  5. Ahh the Tuesday ramble :-) It is so hard to get back into things after holidays/ the festive season. Looks like a busy busy morning!

  6. Oh I don't even think I have started blogging yet for 2014, I can't seem to get out of the holiday/summer hole I have fallen into...plenty of time, plenty of words....xx

    1. Yes there are always plenty of words and time lovely, you just need to wait for the them to appear sometimes

  7. You are all kinds of awesome! I started doing 'selfie a day 2014' on instagram. I think I lasted five days. Got sick of taking photos of myself. Turns out I'm not a modern day teen ;)

    1. Yes I wouldn't go very well at the photo challenge either. It would be nice to see how you changed over time though wouldn't it?

  8. Feels good to be back on track although it is always nice to wander and stop to smell the wild flowers along the way. You had a big blogging day today well done !

    1. I spend plenty of time wandering and smelling flowers lovely, no doubt about that!

  9. I'm back on track and better than I anticipated but I have banned myself from looking at my stats because it seems that the readers aren't back on track yet! Good luck with blogging everyday!

    1. That is great to hear Tegan! I am not too concerned with stats either. I honestly believe in write and they will come, I just need to keep on writing!

  10. Am new to IBOT but like it immensely as it has been an impetus to write posts...and there are such nice bloggers participating! :)

    1. IBOT is lovely Lee-Ann and most certainly full of wonderful bloggers!

  11. I always try to link up with Jess. I find I have to do a lot of writing up at night time and then schedule posts in order to stick to the right days though, so most of my posts are actually compiled over a few days (but published on the right days).

    1. Yes I often write and night and schedule for the morning as well. And ideally that is where I want to get myself so caught up I have posts ready and waiting to go!

  12. Oh loving all the pro-IBOT talk in the comments!! That's kind of awesome!! :)
    Yay for writing lots! I feel as if I could write a bit now and have lots of ideas. Just need a bit more time to do it in!!

    1. It is super awesome as is IBOT and super yay for writing lots!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.