Friday, January 17

Things I Know About Writers Reveal

 Hello and welcome to the end of another week and the sharing of all the things we know with the ever lovely Miss Cinders.

This week I want to share with you all the things I know about Writers Reveal which was a little group set up by Emily. Who sadly has decided that she just can't find the time to blog anymore. Which also kinda means that this the last of the Writers Reveal posts.

In case you haven't heard of it before Writers Reveal was a monthly get together where the following rather awesome bloggers Emily Morgan WritesMelissa WritesThe Wolfe's DenImagine Create WriteGhostnappedYou learn something new everyday and Have a laugh on me would give each other prompts to write to. There were also a few other bloggers, always Josefa and My Little Sunshine House that popped in and out over the five months.
Image here

The last posts where meant to go live yesterday but on account of my disorganisation and hosting Thankful Thursday I just never got round to it so here I am today. My prompt for this week came from Emily over at You Learn Something New Every Day. Who can I just say is one of my most favourite bloggers. She is so clever and witty and always well written. And get this, I have a feeling there are times in here life she has been like a real writer and been paid for her words.

Anyway Emily's prompt for me was A stitch in time. She made sure she gave me the prompt with more than plenty of time, as well as some incredibly kind words for me, yet here I am a day late and I got a big fat nothing.

I know that when I first read that prompt I thought it would be perfect for a piece of fiction.
I know that I was a little intimidated about how I would find ideas to do it justice
I know that my brain just froze and couldn't come up with anything. At all.

I know that when Emily asked me if I was interested in being part of the group I was beside myself with all kinds of excitement.

I know that at school I was always the last to be chosen for anything, if at all. Hence why it was so exciting to be included.

I know that school was a long time ago but some wounds are hard to heal.

I know that even though most of my posts were left to the last minute I did enjoy the challenge.

I know that even though I did enjoy the challenge there is a little bit of me that is a bit glad it has come to an end.

I know I don't really need any more things to be left to the last minute I have got plenty of my own things left waiting till then. Speaking of which I should probably go and see to.

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  1. It's sad that it has come to an end, I used to enjoy some of those posts that I read.
    I hope you manage to get to all that you need to do - but don't forget to have fun along the way !
    Have the best weekend !

    1. Some days I doubt that I will ever get done all that I need to, I am happy with just the essentials and fun is always an essential here!

  2. I know that I was often never included in things at school.
    I know that I enjoy reading everyone else's Things I Know!!
    I know that I am going to check out the links that you have shared with us!!

    1. I know I love reading all the things that everyone else knows as well! Thanks for dropping in Tammy

  3. I know that I'm back - bigger and better and feeling amazing. Thank you beautiful for being so supportive of me over the last few months. Your fairy kisses have been felt and appreciated. xxx

    1. So glad to hear that you are feeling better than ever before amazing lady xx

  4. Can you guys keep the group going? I would love to write things a little more in depth but definately need a prompt to do it!!

    1. Well it looks like there could well still be a group after all! Stay tuned

  5. Bless your gorgeous self, that's so lovely of you to say!

    I know that I enjoy reading your posts whether they're planned ahead or off the cuff.
    I know that I have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER what I would have written with the prompt 'a stitch in time'!

    And I know that I may have a little idea for keeping the group going... we'll see!

    1. Oh really Em? Do tell! I thought about taking it on but wasn't sure if I was really the best fit.

  6. It's sad that the group is not continuing on - hopefully you guys will find a way to keep the prompts and the words going x

  7. I know I find it hard to believe that you couldn't think of anything to write... because your mind is always ticking away!

    I really hope Em's idea to possibly keep the group going works out, I think it's a great project!

    Hope you're having an awesome weekend Rhi!
    MC xoxo

    P.S. TEM11 made me beads to hang next to my necklace. You inspired her to get into her beading again! :)

    1. How beautiful of her. It is one of my favourite things to do.

  8. We just might manage to keep it going yet! :) And I always enjoy your Writewrs Revela posts. :)

    1. So exciting that it gets to stay! And thank you lovely, that is so kind of you

  9. Writer's block is frustrating, isn't it? I sometimes struggle with writing prompts too. Still, you seem to have done well with this one anyway. Great job, and good luck with the next prompt!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.