Tuesday, June 25

I must confess and blog on Tuesday all at once.

My Home TruthsIt feels like forever and and a day since I last joined in with Kirsty and the gang for a bit of confessing.

Sadly my days were beginning to overflow with commitments and activities that left me with little time to no time to idly sit around on the computer commenting on blog posts. Regardless of how much I may actually have wanted to have sat around idly all day reading and commenting on blogs.

While I was able to squeeze in enough time to post it didn't seem right to keep on linking when I knew I had no intention of returning some comment love. Apart from IBOT and TIK I have barely linked up for anything else of late.

With today (which is actually now yesterday because it turns out I was more time poor than I realised and this post took forever to write) marking the first official day of the four week break I am confident in in my comment ability. (That and the fact that it is now Tuesday and I always make time to blog and comment on Tuesdays) There is nothing grander than being on school holidays I tell you.

So in the interests of killing two birds with one stone (so to speak of course) and in honour of the true linky whore I once was, I am going to confess while I blog on a Tuesday.

This week's confession prompt was about bad habits. Of which of course I have many. And seriously who doesn't? Which made me think that listing mine could possibly be rather boring. And by boring I could very well mean depressing.

Given that no one needs depressing I decided that perhaps it was best if didn't share my bad habits and instead confessed to a little secret about my toilet.

Certainly not my bathroom. Or anyone else's that I know for that matter.
Photo thanks to Arjun Kartha
Recently a friend had her third baby, which was born via cesarian. This rendered her unable to mop floors, clean toilets and a few other things. When she came to me and said "Rhianna I know you don't like cleaning but if I pay you will you help me out for a few weeks?" it was kinda hard to say no, even without the payment offer. Especially when she got to the part that mentioned baby cuddles.

It was during the first week as I was squirting some smelly yellow chemical around the inside of her toilet bowl, that I realised I wasn't actually sure  when I last cleaned my own toilets (yes that s is meant to be on the end, The Shoebox amazingly has two loos despite it's small size). After a bit of thought though I remembered when the last toilet cleaning I did took place.

It was the morning of Mr Awesome's work Christmas party. Last year in November. I wanted to make sure that if by some crazy chance either Mr A or myself felt the need to relieve ourselves of the inner linings of our stomach due to excessive alcohol we would be greeted with lemon freshness.

As it turns out my efforts were in vain. (In case you were wondering and I am sure you are) While we had an entire 24 hours child free were remained somewhat responsible and refrained from drinking ourselves into a complete oblivion.

Now it is at this point I must point out a couple of things.

The first of which is that I don't really have a drinking problem, regardless of what impression a few of my comments my give. The second is that just because I haven't cleaned my toilet since November, doesn't mean it hasn't been cleaned since November.

There is a very valid reason why Mr Awesome is fondly known as Mr Awesome.

Toilet cleaning duties pretty much fall in his court. Along with rubbish removal, lawn cutting, floor washing and every now and then, the cleaning of the kitchen.

Told you he was awesome.

I know at this point you are probably wondering what it is that I actually do do around this place. Well, I tend to all food preparation, as well as source and planning of all meals for at least six of the seven days in the week. I also do homework and reader duties, most of the child entertaining and managing and all of the washing pretty much all of the time. And if that isn't enough I do vacuum and sweep on a fairly regular basis.

Which to me all sounds pretty fair. I know that he goes out and works but the whole kid thing is hard going. I am honestly not sure my sanity would stand kid wrangling and a paid position elsewhere. At least not at the moment anyway. Plus when would I blog?

For quite some time I have championed against the division of labour within the household. I had this article published way back in 2008 The funniest thing about this whole toilet revelation though is that I can't ever remember a conversation that went, well "I'll cook dinner and wash the clothes if you clean the toilet and take out the trash"

Mind you as much as I am all for men doing housework, given that we do actually have two toilets, I have started to be slightly more proactive in pulling my weight in this department.

Who cleans your loo?

Joining in with Jess and Kirsty

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  1. I'm just stunned you went and did cleaning for a friend - and I'm really stunned your friend asked you to clean her toilet!! I'd be too embarrassed (but I'm old and weird, and have 2 boys so our toilet gets gross).
    You are a good friend!!

    1. lol about having two boys, so does she, only they are still little. I didn't think much of it to tell you the truth, just felt all kinds of special because she had asked me. In another life there was a point where I managed a small motel and if the cleaning staff didn't show then sometimes I had no choice but to just get in there and get things done.

  2. I clean the upstairs toilet (having a fragile stomach, even at 38wks pregnant, means it gets cleaned fairly regularly at the moment), and the big boy cleans the downstairs toilet that hardly gets used but ends up in a terrible state.

    1. You know what now that you mention it when I was pregnant I think I cleaned it a lot more often for that very same reason! Good on your big boy for taking care of the downstairs one. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses for a beautiful birth when the time is right lovely xx

  3. A cleans the toilets in our house - not sure how it happened - I think he just knows that there are some things I can't stomach and cleaning the toilets is one of them - he just does them now when we are cleaning the house (or splashing out and getting a cleaner in once a fort-night in which case he doesn't have to do them then !!!)
    Have the best day !

    1. Oh that is good to know that I am not the only lucky one regarding not having to clean the loo! How lovely to have a cleaner though!

  4. That's a really great arrangement you have with your friend, it does make it easier to clean if it is for someone else, weird hey!
    Well I clean the one toilet we have. That is now also the only toilet onsite for the whole building team, so I can tell you that I -do not- like this arrangement at all! The reno/extension will add 2 new toilets for me to clean. What was I thinking!!!

    1. It really is so different doing someone else's. I have actually wondered before if it would work going to a friend I'll be your cleaner if you'll be mine?

  5. I hate cleaning. Especially the toilet. I actually don't think I could clean someone elses toilet though, the rest of the house to help out a friend yes, but not the toilet.

  6. I clean our loo, although at the moment Dave has to help me out coz I'm at the stage where I just can't bend to do it properly! Pregnancy is a very handy excuse for getting out of housework! Dave does quite a bit actually, he does all the cooking, we share the cleaning of the kitchen, he does all the washing (because our laundry is in the feral garage an I refuse to go out there because of the bugs!) and I do most of the other indoor cleaning like vacuuming and sweeping, etc. And then Dave does the outside stuff, ie. mowing and bug eradication!

  7. I am the only toilet cleaner around here. Sometimes I wish we had more than one bathroom, then I realise I'd have to clean them and change my mind. Though my husband generally does all the washing so I guess I shouldn't complain, but I will anyway! Lol

  8. I usually do our toilet, and my husband tends to do the kids' toilet. We have never planned this, or actually sat down and organised 'who does what', it just kind of happens that way.

  9. Oh to live in your world.......it seems that in my household it should only be fair that Mr Crafty help clean toilets since we have a house of 5 boys and only 1 girl. But alas it's all down to me !!!!

    Lucky lady, I hope that this continues to work for you, because of course if you had any extra chores to do, we your readers would be missing out on all of your wonderful blog posts :) xx

  10. gawd the big division of labour question. Sadly whether I work full time or not it remains the same as your situation. I can see him doing bits and bobs here and there but truthfully those bits and bobs are the tip of the iceberg. You do a superb job at blog post commenting. I see you all over the place - so you're just such a supportive reader to have in the community - thanks for making the effort xx

  11. Hubby is MEANT to clean our loos. We struck that deal back in February. But I'd bet the entire house that the loos were last cleaned in January. By yours truly. x

  12. I'm the cleanerer of the loo... unless one of the teens needs to be dealt with some punishment. In that case I hand over the loo cleaning duties to them.

    Although on the odd occasion one of them will clean the loo on Saturdays when I do a big house clean... Maybe I should say "rare" occasion, because it is becoming quite rare them doing it these days :)

    I wish it'd been November since I last had to do it!!

    Happy iBOT sweets

  13. I clean the toilets and the wet areas, the dusting, the majority of the washing and all of those extra bits, including grocery shopping. Michael does the floors and that's a stretch, besides one has standards and our standards don't come together very well. Seriously he needs stronger glasses as I think he's blind, can't see in corners or under furniture. xxx

  14. me and the cleaner (who comes every fortnight) I'm afraid - and with three boys (one man and two boys is still just three boys) the toilets cannot wait for the cleaner so I have to endure lots of toilet cleaning in between!
    well done Mr Awesome xx

  15. You lucky ducky - he is a keeper for sure. My hubby does whatever I ask him to do, which isn't much, considering he's away from 5am to 5pm every day and half a day on Saturdays. Then again, he will ALWAYS change nappies when he's home, in fact I can't remember the last time I changed one during the weekend - such is love :) Em xx
    p.s still haven't done button but I will - just not sure what pic/image to use? Please FB message me if you have any suggestions :) xx

  16. I'm the chief toilet cleaner, and chief everything else as well. Although Boatman does help out a lot, especially when he can see how stressed I am.
    Also this post just reminded me I never hung the washing out today. Oops.

  17. Oh you're lucky you don't have to clean the toilet yourself. I've never seen my husband clean the toilet but he does help out a lot in other ways...usually have to ask though!

  18. Oh...I love to clean my loo. Sad, but true. I'm a bit of a sparkly bathroom girl. Clean but not really neat :).

  19. I'm a hopeless cleaner - both from lack of time and lack of interest! Good on you for helping out your friend - what a lovely gesture Rhi!

  20. LOL!!!! I love your post about this! My hubby doesn't do much at all...in the cleaning department. However, every now and then he has a kick of inspiration and starts cleaning something like Sunday he cleaned Miss E's windows. His department is telling the kids what to do after he comes home from work. Because sometimes I just need a break. He does too but he's says he's happy with that. I am too. But I do wish he could be in charge of just a couple of jobs like trash and toilet cleaning.

  21. Whoever is offended most by it's current state - usually either myself or the hubster, never Mr 19 and very rarely by Miss 17!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.