Thursday, November 7

Thankful Thursday

Hello and welcome to another round of Thankful Thursday. Which I must say is quickly becoming my favourite day of the week. The first lot of thanks for today has to go to the five rather awesome bloggers that joined in with me last week. It really does make me feel all kinds of awesome and happy.

To say it has been a big week at the office is an understatement. And when I say office I mean inside my head. I am so thankful that it is all done and dusted now.
blessed with wonderful children
I am beyond thankful that I get to spend my
days hanging out with this little cutie patootie

As you may have read on Tuesday it has been no fun being me this last week. Thankfully most of what I was referring to has now passed. Which is great as it means I can now return to normal programming and making the most of what is before me. 

I am thankful that Lovely has returned, filling the empty space she left at the dinner table. For whatever angst or unrest she may cause at times, the place is just not the same without her around. I am also thankful that she had such a great time while she was away and while she might not say it as much as we would like to hear it I am pretty sure she missed us more than she lets on.

The thing that I am most thankful for this week though is good health. Not just the we are free from colds or tummy bugs kind of health but the really big we don't have a major life threatening illness kind of good health. 

A young boy, nine years old in fact, at Zany's school was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour. He was whisked away to Adelaide for surgery the very next day and operated on the day after that. They may not return home for some six months or so.

I am thankful that in these modern times and thanks to the wonders of the internet that the family is able to seek support, both financial and otherwise to ease some of the burdens that they face. If you are able to spare a dollar or two I know Joel's family would be especially thankful.

People like Jimmy also make me incredibly thankful. If you haven't heard of Jimmy before you need to check him out. He is a twenty year old South Australian who is walking around Australia to raise money for childhood cancer. I am thankful that someone so young wants to make a difference to people he hasn't met. That fills me with hope.

More random thanks goes to

- picking a winner or two in the race that stops the nation
- spending a lovely day with my mother watching the race that stops the nation
- Spotlight having some yarn that I desired at a super ridiculous price
- being able to take the kids out for a spontaneous pizza dinner
- wonderful thunderstorms in the middle of the night cooling everything down and making the grass green once more
- being able to FaceTime my eldest nephew so I could hear him say Aunty
- being able to pick myself up and carry on even when it was the last thing I felt like doing
- having some rather cool goodies sent my way because someone thought my little old blog was a bit cool
- the fact that it is now Thursday which means the weekend is just around the corner

Now you - 

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  1. It's always good when our children return home. I had to laugh at her not saying how much she missed you - every time we go away or K goes away, when we see each other again I say "Did you miss me ?" and she says "No" - until she went away to NZ - then she was telling me on the phone how much she missed me !!!!
    I'm glad that you are having a better week than you had last week. I am hoping to be able to link up later today.
    Have the best day ever !

    1. Thanks for dropping in lovely and joining in. Kids are are funny breed aren't they?

  2. Glad to see you're mood has lifted! Your lil girl is gorgeous! Nothing like hearing of sick children to puts things in perspective xxxx Thank you for making me thankful !

    1. Yes she is a bit of cutie isn't she? Thanks for joining in again Sarah

  3. What a beautiful list of thank you's Rhi - I think I need to make an effort to take part in your link as it's worth taking the time for gratitude and just taking a breath and reflecting on life when some lives are not going so great. I'm glad you've got your precious girl back in your arms. P x

    1. Thank you lovely Pip, it would be wonderful to have you come and join in. The more the merrier. The link is open all week as well so you can join in at any time. Though I do get why people prefer to join in on the day, I am a bit like that as well.

  4. I was sending positive vibes after I read your post on Tuesday and couldn't comment from my phone. Glad you are feeling better about things now. Have a great weekend.xx

    1. thank you beautiful xx I knew the whole time that eventually it would pass, I even knew that eventually wasn't even that far away but man how it felt it! It was like I just had to endure it and make the best of it. Sigh. Glad it is all behind me now though. Thanks for dropping by lovely

  5. Good health is something we all take for granted until we no longer have it. I've been acutely aware of how fortunate my family and I are with various serious issues with close friends and family. I am thankful for good health, your health is your wealth. YAY for picking a winner, I didn't even watch it - too busy working!! How un-Australian of me ;)

    1. Go you being productive and having something to do instead watching silly horses! Your health most certainly is your wealth lovely well said!

  6. Good health and modern medicine have been things I've been thankful for this week too Rhi. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks beautiful, we are lucky to live in such modern times aren't we?

  7. Yay, I've found the Thankful Thursday linky! Have been hunting for ages but not able to find it. I'm glad all is right in your world now that the hormone storm has settled and your precious wee miss is home where she belongs xx

    1. SO glad you found us then Emma, look forward to having you join in


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.