Monday, September 12

Monday Mention - My Big Nutshell

Good Morning Monday!

I am rather pleased to see that the lovely Tammy over at Ramblings of a Broken Hearted Mummy is back this week with her Monday Mention Link up.  I am also pleased to be able to say that I have managed to find a few spare minutes to join on in.

Since R U Ok? day is this Thursday I thought that it would be fitting to mention a blog that has done some wonderful work in spreading the word about the importance of taking the time to ask someone if they are in fact ok.

I was fortunate enough to come across the blog in question through another weekly link up, though now I can't recall whether it was Thankful Thursday or TIK or possibly even I'm grateful, not that it really matters I guess.  What matters is that I found her and now you will too.

This wonderful Aussie Mum blogger writes in a professional and engaging manner on a range of topics.  She is entertaining and amusing and quite possible a little crazy but in that zany totally awesome way that generally leaves you feeling a little in awe of her greatness.

Ok so to unveil this week's mention cue the drum roll now ... ... ...

I am of course referring to Gemma over at

My Big Nutshell

(See I told you she was awesome)

Make sure you check out Tammy's blog for more great Monday Mentions. 


  1. Gemma IS totally awesome! She'll love your description of her as well. I agree, totally mention worthy and she's done such a good and big job getting RUOK? Day blogging organised!

  2. You have summed up Gemma to a tee! The work she has done with RU OK day is great. She is so professional with that sort of stuff


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.