Tuesday, December 17

It is what when?

It is hard to believe that this time next week it will be Christmas Eve. Like almost everyone I speak to, the year seems to have flown by in less than a blink of an eye.

Christmas reindeer hanging tree ornament

The excitement levels are getting closer to their all time high records. Which interestingly just seems to get higher each and every year. I can't help but notice the direct correlation this has to my levels of crazy, as they also look set to soar to new heights.

So much deep breathing to be done.

I guess it is one of life's greatest ironies that something so highly anticipated and generally enjoyed by so many people, almost the world over is also full of so much angst, busyness and just general craziness. I can't help but wonder if it has always been like that or if it is just the joy of commercialism?

Sadly for me I am not one of those highly organised let's get present buying sorted in July type of people. Instead I am a let's wait till Christmas Eve and just hope there is something left type of girl. Well actually it is more a case of I am going to make all of the presents only time has escaped me and it is now Christmas Eve guess I better rush to the shops. Either way each year I assure myself it will be different and rarely is it ever.


Thankful with the new year just around the corner I can add being more organised and on top of things to my list of improvement for the year to come.

So on that note I will bid you all good day and head off to the shops. As it currently stands my plan is only an hour behind schedule for today. If a 'crazy Christmas' image where not so hard to come by I would have been well and truly on my way by now. But it is Tuesday and one must blog on a Tuesday so as to take part in the most wonderful linky of all.

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  1. I, too, must face the horror of the shops today. I'm considering mounting a bullbar on the front of the pram so I can perform a snow plough manoever and get in and out before I completely lose my shit!

    1. That is a brilliant idea about the pram Kel, I might just walk behind you!

  2. Good day to you too!! Hope your day was successful!!

    1. Thanks Ann it was just a quick in and out yesterday, still have more to sort though. Think I will save it for late night tomorrow.

  3. I confess to feeling a little smug this year as I finished my shopping last week (a rare occurrence indeed!)

    Good luck and merry Christmas to you too... Adieu :)

    1. Well done you! Enjoy your smugness. One day I too shall be there I am sure! Merry Christmas to you as well lovely

  4. This year I actually finished all the Xmas shopping in November!! I had to pinch myself! I feel like I'm floundering a little now given I have this free time in the lead up to Xmas. Good luck braving the shopping centres!!

    1. Oh my goodness that is just amazing! Well done you

  5. At least you made it a week in and not Chrissy Eve so that's a win, now if it could only be done without having to actually enter a shopping centre even better! But until then....breathe in...and out...ahh lol

    1. Yeah that is what I tell myself as well Jaz only sadly it is still not done yet. But like you said just breath

  6. It sure is the best linky of all! Aside from that, I don't think one can ever be fully prepared for Christmas, it is just not possible. Even if you do buy all your pressies in July, there will always be something at the last minute that you will need to do!

    1. Yes I think that is my reasoning for leaving it all to the last minute as well Josefa!

  7. I don't know about Christmas shopping as I think I am done but I can tell you being on the road all day that the traffic is just frightening, roll on Friday as that's when my leave starts. Happy shopping xxx

    1. Enjoy your holidays lovely and urgh! to traffic

  8. I can't believe it's so close. The more I try to get done, in terms of Christmas shopping, the less I seem to have ready. I seem quite able to buy for the same person and can't find a single thing for anyone else so things are way out of whack!

    1. You know i have that same problem as well Becky, all for one and none for all!

  9. I've even shocked myself this year that I am semi-organised. The shite will hit the fan at some time though, and I am trying to be cool about it, when the fact that everyone is coming to mine for lunch on chrissie day sinks in.

    1. Everyone is coming here as well, which I am pretty excited about but I have feeling our fan is going to get hit very soon as well!

  10. Do you know, I keep thinking I won't have any last minute shopping this year, and then I remember I have yet to buy/make/find anything for my husband. Oops.

    As for craziness, you know we didn't get around to making our advent calender this year (I kept trying to get to it till mid December, then I just gave up), and I can't help wondering if NOT having that count down hasn't kept some of the crazy excitement at bay. It feels like it to me.

    1. Yes husbands. Tricky buggers that they can be!

  11. I'm more organised than usual and it's a little scary! Next year I really want it to be less stressful. I think I will move away for the November and December and just return in January.

  12. Hope your Christmas shopping was successful!

  13. Hope you had a fun and successful shop yesterday. I am so not orgaisnied but I am too tired to be bothered really. I need to start getting my Christmas spirit on though I have a little boy who is caught up in the magic I have to be ready to play along. Have fun x

  14. Oh how I wish I was more organised, I'm about to go through all that I have, all three at daycare for the day and then take my weary self to shops to get it all done and dusted, then it's just wrapping - I do love this season though!!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.