Thursday, May 3

Thanks to The Surprise Beginning

That is of course not to say I haven't been thankful, because I assure you, I have.  
How could I not be when I am married to the best man for me, in the whole entire world?  

Without sounding all cliche (because that is certainly something I'm not) each day I feel more in love with Mr Awesome than I did the day before.  There are random moments in the day when I think of him and his awesomeness and I just love him even more.  

When I watched him score a goal last week my heart overfilled with love and it zapped around my blood for a while.  It was a warm and charming sensation that tickled all the way to my toes.  I am thankful that this week his aim was just a bit sharper than last week where he missed more than he got.

To me love should be an ever growing feeling.  The more you know someone you love the more you feel your love for them grow.  I am so thankful that I get to feel my love for not just Mr Awesome, but the kidlets as well, grow each and every day.

But enough gushing about how much I love my family and how thankful I am to have them as my family.

Today's thanks was not meant to be about them.  It is instead directed towards a lovely little blog called The Surprise Beginning.  Laureny (in her own words) is a Full-Time Mummy, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Drama Queen, Christian, Baking and Sewing Enthusiast, MCN Addict, Unemployed Actor and Very Part-Time Make-up Artist!  I am tipping that there are a heap of other awesome words that could be included.

I can't really remember when or how I first came across this little gem, but it was a while ago and I am so glad I did.  Aside from writing awesome #IBOT posts, like this one on parenting and the impact of words, there are also at times awesome giveways.  Which is where I really begin to get thankful.

You see I have been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of one of the giveaways.  It was way back in March, and while I may still be in the process of reading my prize I am pretty thankful for it.  I am equally thankful for the few and far moments of peace and quiet that have given me the opportunity to read it.

But wait there's still more reason I give thanks to the lovely Laureny.

A little while ago, Laureny received a bloggy award.  Which she then kindly passed over to yours truly.

For that I am super super thankful.

Now part of accept this touching award is that I do the following 

  • Copy and paste the award on your blog
  • Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
  • Pick your five favourite bloggers with under 200 followers who deserve to be recognised and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have received the award
  • Hope the five chosen bloggers will continue to spread the blog award love
So without further ado I pass the love of the Liebster Blog to 
*Nicole over at The Sporty Mummy
*Veronica over at Two Plus Seven
*Yvette, proud owner of Delightfully Tacky Squirts
and last but not least
*Rachel at Redcliffe Style

Head on over and see for yourself why I am thankful to have come across such inspiring and wonderful blogs.

Now because there aren't already enough links in this post here is one more.  You see today, as you are probably already aware, is Thursday which means, Kate is hosting her Thankful Thursday.  Head on over and see all the other wonderful things bloggers are thankful for this week.


  1. Congrats on the Liebster! Your blog layout is beautiful and I like your thankful list. So glad to have met you!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Jen. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you

  2. What a lovely thankful post (and thank you for prompting me to write one of my own - haven't had a chance to write yet today!). It really warms the cockles of my heart to find a blog I love! And winning prizes is always just that cherry on top of the cupcake, isn't it?! Congratulations on the Liebster!

    1. Thanks Sif, so glad I could be of use :) Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you lovely

  3. Congratulations on your award.
    This is such a beautiful thankful post.

    1. Thanks Trish. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you

  4. Huge congrats on that award! Yay you!! :)

    1. I know Carmen Yay me! indeed. Thanks for stopping by. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you

  5. Thanks so much Rhi For passing on the Liebster award to my blog. Also, Thank you so much for being such a source of support and encouragement for me.....

  6. I really loved this blog. I dropped in for a spot of late night reading and loved how you wrote about your feelings towards your Mr Awesome. I've been thinking about how I feel about my Mr Awesome lately so it really touched me.
    Congratulations on your award and how special do I feel that you have chosen to pass along to me!!!! Thank you sweet girl, it was such a lovely surprise at the end of your blog. I will be sure to continue and spread the blog award love :) xxxxx

  7. Congrats on the award! great blog post :) Love reading your posts


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.