Friday, May 25

On being a writer

One of the toughest things about trying to be a writer is getting started.  The coming up with ideas not a problem.  I have more ideas floating around my pretty little head than I know what to do with.  Actually getting those ideas out of said pretty little head and transferred through my fingertips to the keyboard and appear on the screen is another things altogether.

Writing is a process there is no doubt about that.  A process that is both different and alike for writers the world over.  Or at least I imagine it to be like that.  Having never really conversed much with writers the world over I am actually only guessing, but I am pretty sure I am on the money (or at least close to it).

For me I like to have a post title before I start writing.  It helps me stay focused on what I want to say.  Lately though coming up with a post title has not been as easy as I would like it to be.  Which is probably not a bad thing as sometimes I think that having a preconceived title would limit where the post naturally wanted to go.

After the title comes the first paragraph.  The one that is meant to entice the reader into coming to read more.  Obviously a very important feature in any post/article/written material.  For me this is where things get tricky.  You see I have my idea desperately trying to get out only I get so caught up in making that first paragraph amazingly awesome that on too many times for my liking I get in a great big tangle and nothing but swill comes pouring out.  Or worse still nothing comes out.  Though the truly worst part is when you start with something amazing and before you know it the amazing is gone and you are left floundering for words much like a fish out of water trying to breath.

Which is actually where I am now.  (Just in case you hadn't worked that out for yourself)

Last night I started to write a Thankful Thursday post.  Linking up with other writers for semi themed posts is just one of the ways I try to get around any writers block that I may be experiencing.  Plus it helps me get some readers and put myself out there.  I decided that I would write said post from my phone allowing me to laze on the couch and listen to The Footy Show while I wrote.

All was going relatively well.  The show was pretty funny and replayed many highlights from the great game the night before.  During the ads I was able to get some pure blogging brilliance out.  It was a win win all round.  Till my eyes started to blur, followed by a blackness.  It seems I was falling asleep.

Mr Awesome, who was pretty much doing the same in his arm chair (except without the blogging brilliance part) decided that it was time for bed.  Agreeing that was possibly one of the best ideas I had heard for a long time I trudged my weary self off to the comfort of bed as well.  The post, which was coming along quite nicely could wait till morning to be finished.

After a relatively good night's sleep with only minimal disruptions, Miss Two woke looking for a quick feed five minutes before the alarm went of.  She is particularly good at this.  So good in fact that I have stopped taking my alarm to bed, although Mr Awesome does not have the same faith in her.  Thankfully this morning she elected to go straight back to sleep allowing me some early morning child free time.  Which I kinda love.  A lot.  There is something extra soothing about sipping the first coffee of the morning without the company of little people.

Once Mr Awesome packed himself off to work I was ready to finish my blogging brilliance from the night before.  The better part of a post already written, including a title and great (even if I do say so myself) first paragraph.  Today really felt like it was on track to be awesome.  Sadly this was all rather short lived.

Upon picking up my phone I discovered that in my haste to go to bed the night before I had indadvertedly neglected to save my blogging brilliance.  Go me. Not.

So here I am enjoying the peace and quiet that comes early in the morning before children awaken trying to recreate the blogging brilliance of the night before.  While what I have created may still be considered by some, or possibly even many as slightly resembling blogging brilliance it is by no means even close to the post that I had started to write last night.

On the upside though it is now Friday and I have blogged which means I am now in a position to join in with Grace and flog.


  1. Just getting started is so hard isn't it! I loved that paragraph about writing your first paragraph! It sounded just like me :)

  2. yep- sometimes it'll just come pouring out like it's writing itself and other times it's a jumbled mess. I never know which way it's gonna go- like blogging russion roulette.

  3. Love the way this is essentially a post about nothing, but also something. I'm a big fan on prepatory drivel. Sometimes that drivel has a nugget of gold, but mostly not.

  4. I've tried writing blog posts on my phone and it's perilous! I don't even like using the iPad. Usually I take pen to paper if I'm trying to organise my thoughts, then I sit down ready to type. It's quite a process some days, and others it's really easy.
    Nice save by the way ;)

  5. I either write in pages or in the notes. I never write straight onto Wordpress in case I do the same thing.
    And funny, I rarely have a title when I start. I'm fact I often can't think of one when I'm done!

  6. Oh yes - hopeless with the phone posting - I use the notes, and then email it to myself. And like Jess - my title is usually last! You've still managed a pretty damn decent post though so I would love to see the one you lost - will it be coming back or is it gone forever?

  7. Sometimes it flows naturally and sometimes it's blocked. The good thing about writing is that it will always flow again, especially if you love it.

  8. Oh man, losing stuff! I know about that only too well! But you still managed some "blogging brilliance", I must say!
    Sometimes I have a title in hand but like you said, a title can help me keep focused on what I want to say.
    Keep up writing - blocks or no blocks - you'll get there !

  9. Agree with Grace - this was 'blogging brilliance" to me!
    Losing writing is akin to losing blood. Painful and irreversible.
    I usually have an endless list of ideas as well - and usually I'm pretty good at the first line. It's the stuff between the first line and the last that evades me!
    Ronnie xo

  10. Must have been so frustrating, but you still ended up with an awesome post :-)
    Hey, this is right up your street as I know you like to turn your hand to the creative side too! Short Tale Tuesday..
    Hope to see you there!
    Catherine x

  11. Losing writing is devastating. You always feel as though the follow up won't be as good. Love this post, Rhi. I think it's something we can all relate to at some point.

    Writing processes are so varied. I write straight into Wordpress for the most part. Probably not a very wise thing to do. I always know what I'm going to write in my head before I start, so the title comes first. I guess I'm a muller, which is why I don't seem to post more than a couple of times each week.

  12. I usually start with a title, even if it's not the title I end up using. That's how 99% of my ideas come to me - as a title!

    Yup, nothing more frustrating that finding that you've neglected to save ...

  13. What a great post. Even if it wasn't the one you meant to write. Watching an idea turn into a tangle of words is heartbreaking, I think the only thing you can do it save rather than delete and come back to it. Space and perspective is sometimes all you need to rediscover the utter brilliance of your original idea :). Sorry, suggesting you save probably hits a raw nerve right now!

    I only wish I could write down the fabulous ideas I have at opportune moments. I stick some in the phone but others happen when I'm driving or in the shower and completely unable to record them for later.

    Great post. Bec x

  14. Stopping by as part of the Rewind - great post! Always the way - I find that I have the most brilliant writing in my head and then when I write it, it just doesn't sound as good (probably wasn't that good to begin with...) Also love those early mornings without the little people (love them dearly but sometimes it's nice to wake up and get the day started at your own pace!)

  15. I often have this problem! The troubl with writing is getting the brilliance of the idea out when you only have words to work with! Thanks for Rewinding.


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.