Tuesday, November 6

Tied in knots

A few months ago, actually quite a few months ago now we went camping. We have a special little spot that we like to go and hang for days at a time with our bestest friends. They have kids that match the ages of ours and everyone gets along just beautifully.

This magically spot that we like to visit is on the beach. Which makes it just perfect for kite flying. Oh how I love kite flying. We even went and purchased two new kites for the kids to fly. One was just your ordinary stock standard kite shaped kite. The other was a fang dangled flash one that came with two stings to control it. Apparently this enables you to do tricks and things.

Do not ever give such a kite to six year olds.

The only trick they will be able to do is one that makes the string look like this.

Hours upon hours I have spent trying to detangle this stupid string. Hours.

This is the part I am currently working on. Doesn't look like much does it? Oh but it is.
Of course once I do this little bit there is still this to go.


Mr Awesome thinks I should walk away from it. Toss it in the bin and by a new reel of string for the kits. In fact since the kite was only $5 he thinks that perhaps I should just buy a whole new kite. But I can't.

The thought of this string and these knots getting the better of me is just too much to bare. I will not be defeated. It is almost like these knots represent the mess I feel my life is in at the moment. If I can just sort these knots out then life will just unjumble itself as well.

So if it's a little quite here you now know why.

For now though I am joining in with the #IBOT crew over at the very new and very lovely Essentially Jess


  1. I know how it is when you set yourself a task (as difficult or impossible as it might be), you simply want to be victorious. I really hope you conquer those knots the real one and the metaphoric.

  2. I admire your persistence, Rhi! I hope you can untangle those life knots too x

  3. Oh I hope you can best it! Buuut.. personally I would have conceded defeat, I have trouble with shoe laces!

    1. Mr Awesome keeps asking why I don't just throw it in the bin, I just don't want to give in to it

  4. Oh, Love and Hugs to you Rhianna! Hope you are getting those knots out. I never have the patience. xx

    1. Slowly getting there Zanni, I am surprised I can find the patience as well but every time I get some undone I do feel rather pleased

  5. I would want to untangle these knots too. I totally understand the analogy. Sending you many positive thoughts.

  6. I get it, I get it. Those darn knots will NOT win! You can defeat them! Good luck :) xx

    1. Yes yes I can, come hell or high water I will be victorious!

  7. I get this! There is nothing worse that getting defeated by a knot! Stupid thing.

    1. Totally stupid thing. The worst part was I had only finished untangling it about ten minutes before they decided to tangle back up again

  8. Good luck, I would do the same thing!

    1. Thanks Anne, it is good to know I am not the only crazy one out there that can't let go of this


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