Tuesday, August 20

My Inner 1950's Housewife

So if you are a regular and dedicated reader and follow me on various social media platforms yesterday you would have been privy to a rather exciting image. And when I say rather exciting I not over exaggerating on account of all the likes that were almost insantly given.

Awesome photo in question as seen on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram

Anyway when I shared the photo I promised that the next day would see more of this sparkling housewife. Specifically in the form of a vlog.

Yes that's right I had every intention of jumping out from behind the computer screen and in front of the  camera. Sadly we all know what can happen to the best of my intentions.

As it turns out my inner 1950's housewife is no more organised and together than the one I have trying to be for the last decade. Who would have thought?

In my and my inner 1950's housewife defence we were hit with a few unexpected surprises which delayed the already left to the last minute attempt of awesome. Things like children not going to sleep as quickly and easily as they are supposed to and a very drull year seven politics and government research booklet due in two days ago. Not to mention a lorrikeet with some long strands of something or other tied around her feet.

It most certainly had nothing to do with me not quite remembering how to use my video editing program or looking at myself too critically and thinking that perhaps behind the screen is much more advisable than in front of the camera. No siree none of that. Well maybe just a little.

Now I can hear the sighs of disappointment from here but try not to let the waves of sorrow overwhelming you because all is not lost. While there may be no video for you to watch right this very instant there will be. One day. I hope.

No seriously I have spent far too long thinking about this little beauty to not follow it through now. It may not exactly be the Oscar winning clip I first expected it to be but I am sure it will still manage to raise a wee giggle here and there.

So I am sure it is with baited breath that I leave you paitently waiting, but rest assured my 1950's inner housewife will be gracing a YouTube channel near you before long. While you are waiting head on over to Essentially Jess and join in all the fun of IBOT

 photo fwbksignature_zps702ebc7d.jpg
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  1. haha looking forward to the vid ... I bet my partner wishes I had an inner 1950s housewife in me!

  2. that 1950s style looks good for ya ;) now, quick make that vid!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. Oooh! Looking forward to it.

  4. I love a good 1950's flashback! was only googling 1950's rockabilly dresses yesterday (but that is another story). look forward to the video x

  5. I truly can't wait to see the vlog, bloody life for getting in the way! Your face is so cheeky in this - LOVE LOVE!

  6. Ah, the 50's! Great era, I reckon! Look forward to seeing the vid, Rhi.

  7. You look awesome in the pic! Boo to real life getting in the way, fickle creature that it is!

  8. Oh year seven homework sucks! I wonder if you could have got away with writing her a note and a link to your you tube account?

  9. Yes!! I want to see it!! Don't go over analyzing yourself, I'm sure you're awesome!! x Karen #teamIBOT

  10. You can do it Rhianna! Great photo x

  11. Go for it! My one attempt at videoing myself has disappeared into my computer files hopefully never to be seen again! Do it for us, so we know we can!!


Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.