Wednesday, February 23

Feeling Obliged

That is why I am here right now. I feel obliged to. I had actually sat down to put some music on but then that turned to checking mail which in turn led to ducking into FB for a quick squiz. Socialising in the flesh might not be something I relish but when it comes to an online community I like to check it all out. I guess it is the invisibility that I find appealing. Or at least the perceived invisibility...

Ok well that didn't last long. DD3 decided that she was actually not going to have a sleep now after all. The phone ringing twice probably has something to do with that. As it turned out the phone was little more than a waste of time. The person trying to call me had a very poor connection which dropped out as soon as I answered. So all in all my tranquil writing conducive conditions are now well and truly dispersed. Grrrrr....

Even if I was only here because I was feeling obliged to I did have some really good stuff to share, well at least I think I did. Perhaps it will come back to me. In the meantime you should check out this blog I aspire to this level (though obviously without the drawings as I know that is not something in my artistic repertoire) I have heard that this author actually now makes her living out of new writing and that is what I would love to do as well

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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.