So in a bid to decide whether I should maintain Rambles or start afresh I have been looking through old posts. The first thing I noticed when I clicked on my manage posts page was that I had three entries that were only a draft. Thinking that they could be a good starting point for new posts (of sorts) I checked them out. Unfortunately they were not of much use.
One was titled Time is Fickle, which I must admit I thought was going to unveil some earth shattering discovery I had at one point made. Far from it. Apart from a title the page was blank and I am unable to recall exactly what it was that at that point in time brought me to the opinion that time is in fact fickle.
The next draft post didn't really prove to be much either. Though given it was titled Two Months!! it was not like it really held a great deal of promise. Here is what I found
And not in a good way
It has been two months since I last posted a blog. (she says with a deep sigh)
I read my last post (dated late April) before I began this post and I must say it made me chuckle, but perhaps not in a good way.
No wonder I never bothered making it anything more than a draft.
And last but not least, well in some ways it is I guess. This is what else I found
Once again I managed to spend a bit of time over at linkreferral checking out some of the great sites that fill the vast void that cyberspace can bring.
Aptly title More great links it is a shame I never managed to actually include the links.
So I guess it is no wonder that my poor old blog is struggling to maintain readers. Hmmmmm
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Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you, thanks for stopping by, it really means a lot, you taking the time so say hi. I try as much as I can to write a reply but if for some chance I don't get to it please know that I always read them.